What does PP mean?

Are you looking for the meanings of PP? On the following image, you can see major definitions of PP. If you want, you can also download image file to print, or you can share it with your friend via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, etc. To see all meanings of PP, please scroll down. The full list of definitions is shown in the table below in alphabetical order.

Major Meanings of PP

The following image presents the most commonly used meanings of PP. You can down the image file in PNG format for offline use or send it to your friends by email. If you are a webmaster of non-commercial website, please feel free to publish the image of PP definitions on your website.

What does pp stand for

As previously mentioned, the image associated with the acronym PP is formatted in PNG, which stands for Portable Network Graphics. This image has specific dimensions, with a length of 669 pixels and a width of 350 pixels. The file size of the image is approximately 60 kilobytes. This format and size are chosen to ensure that the image maintains high quality while remaining efficient in terms of storage and loading times.
  • Citation as a Visitor
What does PP mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation or slang term. If you find this information useful or interesting, please feel free to share it on your favorite social media platforms.
  • Citation as a Webmaster
If you wish for your visitors to access a comprehensive list of all possible meanings of the acronym PP, it is recommended that you incorporate the acronym into your bibliography using proper citation formats.

All Definitions of PP

As mentioned above, you will see all meanings of PP in the following table. Please know that all definitions are listed in alphabetical order. You can click links on the right to see detailed information of each definition, including definitions in English and your local language.
PPPage Printer
PPPancreatic Polypeptide
PPPapa Pontifex
PPPapua New Guinea
PPParachute Press, Inc.
PPParadise Poker
PPParallel Port
PPParcel Post
PPParent Parcel
PPParish Priest
PPPartial Pressure
PPParticiple Phrase
PPParticle Physics
PPParticle Production
PPParticular Person
PPPartido Patriota
PPPartido Popular
PPParts Population
PPParty Please
PPParty Poker
PPParty Pooper
PPPassage Point
PPPast Participle
PPPater Patriae
PPPater Putativus
PPPatient Placement
PPPatriot Party
PPPaul Pierce
PPPavee Point
PPPay Period
PPPayload Pointer
PPPeak Power
PPPeak Pressure
PPPeer to Peer
PPPelican Parts
PPPellagra Preventing
PPPeople Person
PPPeople's Participation
PPPeople's Party
PPPer Person
PPPer Procurationem
PPPer Protocol
PPPer Proxy
PPPeraturan Pemerintah
PPPercentage Points
PPPerfect Play
PPPerfect Prog
PPPerfectPass Control Systems Inc.
PPPeriodic Paralysis
PPPeripheral Processor
PPPeristaltic Pump
PPPermanent Party
PPPermittivity Probe
PPPerson to Person
PPPersonal Pronoun
PPPersonal Property
PPPersonal Protection
PPPersonne Physique
PPPersonnel Protection
PPPeru Posible
PPPeter Pan
PPPeter Parker
PPPetr Prucha
PPPhantom Planet
PPPhilip Pullman
PPPhysical Partition
PPPhysical Profile
PPPiece Part
PPPilot Production
PPPilot Project
PPPinellas Plant
PPPing Pong
PPPink Panther
PPPiss Poor
PPPiston Pump
PPPittsburgh Penguins
PPPlane Partition
PPPlanetary Program
PPPlanetary Protection
PPPlanned Parenthood
PPPlasma Pistol
PPPlasma Protein
PPPlastic Pipe
PPPlateau Perspectives
PPPlatinum Piece
PPPlenum Pressure
PPPlot Plan
PPPlus Postage
PPPocket Protector
PPPoint Paper
PPPoint to Point
PPPointer Processor
PPPokemon Pearl
PPPokemon Platinum
PPPolaris Prime
PPPolarization Propagator
PPPoled Polymer
PPPolice Post
PPPollution Probe
PPPolly Pocket
PPPom Pom
PPPoor Presentation
PPPopular Party
PPPore Pressure
PPPorozumienie Polskie
PPPort Processor
PPPortable Part
PPPositive Pressure
PPPostage Paid
PPPosterior Probability
PPPotentiometer Plate
PPPound Puppy
PPPounds Pressure
PPPower Pack
PPPower Panel
PPPower Pets
PPPower Plant
PPPower Play
PPPower Plugs
PPPower Points
PPPractical Photography
PPPraemissis Praemittendis
PPPraeses Provinciae
PPPre Preg
PPPre Production
PPPreferred Plus
PPPremium Processing
PPPrepositional Phrase
PPPresent Position
PPPreservation Pennsylvania
PPPressure Plan
PPPressure Plug
PPPrestige Points
PPPreterito Pasado
PPPrevious Period
PPPrevious Poster
PPPrevoyance Professionnelle
PPPrice Pfister
PPPrimary Path
PPPrimary Point
PPPrimary Pressure
PPPrimary Production
PPPrimary Progressive
PPPrimo Piano
PPPrincess Peach
PPPrincipe de Paz
PPPrinter's Proof
PPPrioritization Phase
PPPriority Precedence
PPPrivacy Policy
PPPrivate Party
PPPrivate Passenger
PPPrivateer Press
PPProblem Priority
PPProcedural Programming
PPProcess Planning
PPProcess Potential
PPProcurement Plan
PPProduction Phase
PPProduction Planner/Planning
PPProfessional Plastering
PPProgram Package
PPProgram Plan/Planning
PPProgram/Procurement Plan
PPProgressive Party
PPProject Plan
PPProject Planning
PPProjected Proponency
PPPromise to Pay
PPProposed Plan
PPPropria Persona
PPProprietà Privata
PPPropulsion Power
PPProtection Profile
PPProtection Profiles
PPProtector Plus
PPProtein Phosphatase
PPProtein Purification
PPProton Proton
PPProvincial Park
PPPréfecture de Police
PPPróximo Passado
PPPsychic Points
PPPublic Prosecuter
PPPublicaciones Periódicas
PPPublicidad Profesional
PPPull Plug
PPPunctum Proximum
PPPunjab Police
PPPurchase Price
PPPurchasing Procedure
PPPure Pwnage
PPPush Pull
PPPuzzle Pirates

This page illustrates how PP is used in messaging and chat forums, in addition to social networking software like VK, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Snapchat. From the table above, you can view all meanings of PP: some are educational terms, the other are medical terms, and even computer terms. If you know of another definition of PP, please contact us. We will include it during next update of our database.

PP as an Acronym

In summary, PP is an abbreviation that can stand for various terms depending on the context, and its interpretation can vary across different fields such as technology, business, education, geography, government, law and other specialized areas. If you have more interpretations or meanings for this acronym, we encourage you to contact us and share them, as understanding the diverse uses of abbreviations like PP helps in better communication and comprehension across various fields.
  • Advantage of Using Acronym PP
Using PP as an acronym offers efficiency and brevity, saving time and space in communication while conveying professionalism and expertise within specific industries. The use of acronym acts as memory aids and maintain a consistent tone in documentation.
  • Disadvantage of Using Acronym PP
Because PP has multiple meanings, this acronym can be ambiguous, leading to confusion if it is unfamiliar to the audience. Using acronym can also create exclusivity, potentially alienating those not versed in the jargon, and excessive use can reduce clarity.