What does SNC mean?

Are you looking for the meanings of SNC? On the following image, you can see major definitions of SNC. If you want, you can also download image file to print, or you can share it with your friend via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, etc. To see all meanings of SNC, please scroll down. The full list of definitions is shown in the table below in alphabetical order.

Major Meanings of SNC

The following image presents the most commonly used meanings of SNC. You can down the image file in PNG format for offline use or send it to your friends by email. If you are a webmaster of non-commercial website, please feel free to publish the image of SNC definitions on your website.

What does snc stand for

All Definitions of SNC

As mentioned above, you will see all meanings of SNC in the following table. Please know that all definitions are listed in alphabetical order. You can click links on the right to see detailed information of each definition, including definitions in English and your local language.
SNCSATCOM Network Controller
SNCSWPS Network Control
SNCSatellite Network Controller
SNCSaturday Night Crew
SNCSave Nilgiris Campaign
SNCSchedule Notification Center
SNCSchool Nurse Certificate
SNCSchool of Natural Cookery
SNCSecure Network Communication
SNCSemaine Nationale de La Culture
SNCServices Nationaux du Contentieux
SNCShared National Credit
SNCShip Noise Control
SNCSierra Nevada College
SNCSierra Nevada Conservancy
SNCSierra Nevada Corporation
SNCSignificant Noncompliance
SNCSignificant Noncompliers
SNCSistema Nervioso Central
SNCSkilled Nursing Care
SNCSmall Noncleaved Cell
SNCSocial Networking Community
SNCSociedad de Nombre Colectivo
SNCSocietate in Nume Colectiv
SNCSocietà in Nome Collettivo
SNCSociété Nationale de Colombiculture
SNCSociété Nautique de La Ciotat
SNCSociété Nigérienne de Cimenterie
SNCSociété en Nom Collectif
SNCSolidarités Nouvelles Face Au Chômage
SNCSoomra National Council Pakistan
SNCSouth Northamptonshire Council
SNCSpace Network Control
SNCSpecial Naval Chart
SNCSpecial Needs Class
SNCSpecial Needs Coordinator
SNCSpectral-Null Code
SNCSpider Net Cafe
SNCSport Nutrition Center
SNCSree Narayana College
SNCSt Norbert College
SNCState Normal College
SNCStochastic Neural Computing/Computation
SNCStock Number Code
SNCStorage Networking Controller
SNCStraight No Chaser
SNCStrategic Nuclear Command
SNCSubnetwork Connection
SNCSubstantia Nigra Compacta
SNCSupply Network Collaboration
SNCSurf N Call
SNCSurveyer Nenniger & Chênevert, Inc.
SNCSweet Nothing Clothes
SNCSwimming/Natation Canada
SNCSymbol Non-Coherent
SNCSymbolic-Numeric Computation
SNCSyndicat National des Collèges
SNCSyndication Networks Corporation
SNCSystem Network Controller
SNCSystème Nerveux Central
SNCSystèmes Navals Complexes