Afghanistan Country Abbreviations

AF is the abbreviation for Afghanistan, the 40th largest country in the world. Officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Afghanistan is a country located in Central Asia (or South Asia), bordering 6 countries: Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and China. The capital and largest city is Kabul. Other major cities include Kandahar, Herat, Mazar-i-Sharif, Jalalabad, Kunduz, Ghazni, Taloqan, Puli Khumri, and Khost.

AF: Afghanistan

Country Profile

  • Capital: Kabul
  • Language: Dari, Pashto
  • Area: 652,230 km2
  • Population: 31,575,018
  • Currency:  Afghani (AFN)
  • Time zone: UTC+4:30
  • Calling code: 93
  • ISO 2-Letter Abbreviation: AF
  • UN 3-Letter Abbreviation: AFG
  • Internet TLD: .af
  • State Government Website:

Map of Afghanistan

List of Afghanistan Acronyms

The most commonly used abbreviations about Afghanistan are AF which stands for Afghanistan and AFN which means Afghani (Afghanistan currency). In the following table, you can see all acronyms related to Afghanistan, including abbreviations for airport, city, school, port, government, and etc.

Abbreviation Meaning
AAA Action Aid Afghanistan
AFG Afghanistan
AF Afghanistan
AFAA Afghanistan Assistance Agency
ACM Afghanistan Campaign Medal
ACSI Afghanistan Civil Service Institute
AED Afghanistan Engineer District
AFTS Afghanistan Force Tracking System
AHSF Afghanistan High-level Strategic Forum
AIJA Afghanistan Independent Journalists Association
AIMS Afghanistan Information Management Service
AIB Afghanistan International Bank
AISA Afghanistan Investment Support Agency
ALA Afghanistan Lawyers Association
ALO Afghanistan Liberation Organisation
ANCP Afghanistan National Congress Party
ANOC Afghanistan National Olympic Committee
ANSF Afghanistan National Security Forces
ANSO Afghanistan NGO Security Office
APA Afghanistan Peace Association
APEP Afghanistan Primary Education Program
APB Afghanistan Programming Body
APPRO Afghanistan Public Policy Research Organization
ARM Afghanistan Reconstruction Movement
ARTF Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund
ARG Afghanistan Research Group
ASCO Afghanistan Shuhada Charity Organization
ASO Afghanistan Solidarity Organisation
ASIC Afghanistan Standard Industrial Classification
ASG Afghanistan Support Group
ATO Afghanistan Theater of Operations
AIK Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait
AHDA Agency for Human Development in Afghanistan
ACPA Aid, Conflict and Peace Building in Afghanistan
AUAF American University of Afghanistan Foundation
ARAA Ansari Rehabilitation Association for Afghanistan
AGA Arbeitsgemeinschaft Afghanistan
AFG Ariana Afghan Airlines Afghanistan
APDA Association for Peace and Democracy for Afghanistan
BAS Basic Afghanistan Service
BAAG British Agencies Afghanistan Group
CAWC Central Afghanistan Welfare Committee
CFA Children Fund Afghanistan
CIAV Coalition for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans
CSSA Construction and Sustainable Services for Afghanistan
CCA Cooperation Center for Afghanistan
CNPA Counter-Narcotics Police of Afghanistan
DAC Danish Afghanistan Committee
DAFA Délégation Archéologique Française en Afghanistan
DAFA Demining Agency for Afghanistan
DRA Democratic Republic of Afghanistan
DHSA Development and Humanitarian Services for Afghanistan
DORA Development Organization for the Revival of Afghanistan
ECI Educational Concepts International of Afghanistan
FOA Friends of Afghanistan
GPFA Global Partnership for Afghanistan
GOA Government of Afghanistan
HAA Humanitarian Assistance for Afghanistan
IAPTA India-Afghanistan Preferential Trade Agreement
ICTA International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan
IRD International Relief and Development in Afghanistan
IAVA Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
IEA Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
INRCA Islamic Nationalist Revolutionary Council of Afghanistan
JAHAN Join and Help Afghanistan Now
JCCIA Joint Contracting Command Iraq/Afghanistan
KBL Kabul, Afghanistan
KDH Kandahar, Afghanistan
MTSA Master Teachers by Satellite for Afghanistan
MISFA Microfinance Investment Support Facility for Afghanistan
MAPA Mine Action Program for Afghanistan
MADERA Mission d’Aide Au Développement des Economies Rurales En Afghanistan
MSRA Mouvement de Soutien a Resistance de l’Afghanistan
NAPWA National Action Plan for Women of Afghanistan
NIRA National Internet Registry of Afghanistan
NRPA National Reconcilation Party of Afghanistan
NAWA New Afghanistan Women Association
NAC Norwegian Afghanistan Committee
OSC-A Office of Security Cooperation – Afghanistan
OSGA Office of the Secretary General in Afghanistan
PARSA Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Support for Afghanistan
RFA Radio Free Afghanistan
RTA Radio Television Afghanistan
RAMP Rebuilding Agriculture Markets Program Afghanistan
RACA Research and Advisory Council of Afghanistan
RAWA Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan
RRAA Rural Rehabilitation Association for Afghanistan
SRCA Saudi Relief Committee for Afghanistan
SEA Save the Environment Afghanistan
SAB Solidarite Afghanistan Belgium
SEFA Soutien aux Enseignants de Français en Afghanistan
SESA Sphere Extension Service for Afghanistan
SOFIA Support Our Friends in Iraq and Afghanistan
SAK Svenska Afghanistankommittén
SCA Swedish Committee for Afghanistan
TDCA Telecom Development Company Afghanistan
TRIAD Texas Resources for Iraq-Afghanistan Deployment
TISA Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan
TAPI Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Gas Pipeline Project
TAPI Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Pipeline
UNIFSA United National Islamic Front for the Salvation of Afghanistan
UNOCHA United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan
WUFA Writers Union of Free Afghanistan


In area, Afghanistan is almost twice as large as Norway, and the border with Pakistan is almost as long as our entire national border. Most of the country consists of rugged mountain terrain, with deep valleys and high mountains. The highest mountain is called Noshaq and is 7492 meters high. The Hindu Kush mountain range, which extends northeast from the border with China and Pakistan and extends south-west deep into Afghanistan. The mountain range separates the northern provinces from the rest of the country. The country has a typical inland climate, with hot summers and cold winters.

Drought, soil erosion and lack of clean drinking water are a major problem for the population, and there is sparse forest. Nevertheless, Afghanistan is not a country suffering from water shortages on its part. In the north of the country there are low lying plains with relatively fertile soil, and in the spring, melt water from Hindu Kush rivers, rivers and lakes. However, most of the water flows out of the country. The old irrigation systems have been destroyed and the cost of repairing them is estimated at US $ 2 billion.


Afghanistan has been an important trajectory for trade and travel between East and West ever since ancient times, when the old Silk Road crossed the country. The country has been dominated by Persians, Greeks, Tajiks and Mongols alike. It was not until the 18th century that the country became independent when modern Afghanistan was founded by Ahmad Shah Durrani.

  • See 3rjewelry for Afghanistan history timeline.

Afghanistan used to control much of today’s Pakistan and Iran, but during the 19th century there was a conflict between Afghanistan and the British that ruled India. In a 1919 peace treaty, Afghanistan had to give up large areas in today’s Pakistan. Throughout the 20th century, lack of economic development led to internal conflicts, and in 1973 the king was deposed in one coup. In 1979, the Soviet Union invaded to support the Communist Party, which had taken power the year before. The occupation faced strong resistance in the population, armed with money and weapons from the United States and China. More than 800,000 Afghans were killed in the conflict, and more than 5 million fled.

When the Soviet Union withdrew in 1989, they left a country in crisis. The result was seven new years of civil war before the Islamist Taliban regime took control. The Taliban was a totalitarian regime where opposites were persecuted and women were refused to work and study. For many Afghans, however, the Taliban represented tranquility after many years of war.

On September 11, 2001, the Afghanistan-based terrorist network attacked al-Qaeda, prompting the US to invade Afghanistan and overthrow the Islamist Taliban regime. In the years that followed, there was a war between a coalition of international forces and the Taliban. The Afghan government and its international supporters have not achieved peace and stability in the country, and the conflict with the Taliban is still ongoing.

Society and politics

Afghanistan is an Islamic republic, organized by the pattern of a federal republic. The Republic is divided into 34 provinces, which in turn are divided into 398 districts. The country is governed by a president and two vice presidents, all of whom are directly elected for a term of five years, they can only be re-elected once. The President is responsible for the country’s foreign policy, defense and civil rights. He is both head of government and leader of the military, and can veto proposals from the National Assembly.

The conflict between the Taliban, the federal government and international forces has gradually weakened the government in recent years. Many in Afghanistan are dissatisfied with the foreign military presence and support the Taliban in their warfare. At the same time, many also support the government. The health services and educational services in the country are deficient and there is a lot of corruption. In addition, the Islamic State (IS) has become a player in the conflict, something the UN fears will lead to increased conflict between Sunni and Siamese Muslims, since IS purposefully attacks Shia Muslims.

Economics and Commerce

Afghanistan’s economy has suffered during the many decades of war and conflict. The country has relatively large natural resources, including in the form of minerals such as coal, copper and iron ore, as well as some oil and natural gas. Natural resources have been scarcely exploited due to the unrest in the country and because of lack of proper roads and transport opportunities. Although it does not appear in the official figures, illegal opium production is a cornerstone of the Afghan economy.

Afghanistan is completely dependent on international aid, and much of the country’s gross domestic product comes from aid and military presence. Due to armed conflict, corruption, high crime and a weak state apparatus, the government in Afghanistan is struggling to rebuild the country, even though there has been economic growth since the Taliban was overthrown.

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