Delaware Abbreviation

What is the abbreviation for Delaware state?

DE is the 2 letter abbreviation for Delaware, the 45th largest state in the United States of America. Delaware is a state located in South part of U.S.A, bordering Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Dover is the capital city of Delaware. Major cities include Wilmington (Population: 71959), Dover (Population: 37533), Newark (Population: 33828), Middletown (Population: 20383), Bear (Population: 19382), Brookside (Population: 14364), Glasgow (Population: 14314), Hockessin (Population: 13538), Smyrna (Population: 11330), Pike Creek Valley (Population: 11228), Milford (Population: 10263), and Claymont (Population: 8264).

Delaware State Flag

Delaware State Profile

  • Capital: Dover
  • Admitted to USA: 1787
  • Area: 6,446 km2
  • Population: 973,764
  • Time zone: GMT-5
  • Calling code: 302
  • ISO 2-Letter Postal Abbreviation:  DE
  • State Government Website:


The state of Delaware is located in the northeastern United States and is therefore one of the east coast states. Delaware borders Pennsylvania to the north, New Jersey to the northeast, Delaware Bay and the Atlantic Ocean to the east, and Maryland to the south and west. The state was named after the second governor of the former Virginia colony, Thomas West. This led to the title “Lord De La Warr” and was thus the namesake of the later state and the Delaware River.

Delaware also has several nicknames such as “The First State”, “The Small Wonder”, “Blue Hen State” and “The Diamond State”. The most important are the nicknames “The First State” and “The Small Wonder”. Delaware’s official state motto is “Liberty and Independence”.

The state of Delaware covers an area of ​​6,452 km², making it the second smallest state in the United States after and before Rhode Island. The nickname “The Small Wonder” alludes to this, as Delaware has a lot to offer despite its small size. However, approximately 917,000 people live in Delaware and make the state the most densely populated in the United States, Delaware is ranked sixth here. The state capital is Dover with approximately 36,000 inhabitants in the actual urban area and approximately 152,000 inhabitants in the metropolitan region of the City. However, the largest city in Delaware is Wilmington with approx. 70,000 inhabitants in the actual urban area and approx. 5.83 million inhabitants in the metropolitan area, Wilmington belongs to the metropolitan area of ​​Philadelphia (Pennsylvania).

Delaware was incorporated into the Union as the 1st state on December 1, 1787, by signing the Constitution of the United States of America. Hence the nickname “The First State”. Delaware now has a highly developed industry and is best known for its research in the field of chemistry. Delaware, with the highest gross domestic product per capita, is the most economically successful state in the United States. However, this is also due to the low tax burden on the state, which also attracts numerous letterbox companies. Delaware is considered a tax haven in which it is possible to start companies completely anonymously.

Due to the coastal location and small size of Delaware, the state’s topography is relatively flat. Only the northern part is a little more hilly and belongs to the region of the Appalachian Piedmont. Delaware is not a state with top attractions in the classic sense. Delaware has no national parks, no national beaches, no national battlefields and just a national monument. However, there are many historic buildings and structures here, and visitors to the state can immerse themselves not only in the history of Delaware, but throughout the United States.

Cities and larger towns

The city of Dover is located in the center of Delaware and, with approximately 36,000 inhabitants, is the second largest city in the state and the capital of Delaware. Dover was founded in 1683 by William Penn, the founder of the state of Pennsylvania. In 1777, the capital of Delaware was relocated from Newcastle. Due to their age, there are many historical buildings in the city. Dover has excellent cultural offerings with the Delaware State Museum and the Sewell C. Biggs Museum of American Art. The Dover International Speedway is available for sports lovers. Of course, the city offers more, but these are rather smaller attractions.

The city of Wilmington is the largest city in the state of Delaware with approximately 70,000 inhabitants in the actual urban area. In the metropolitan area, Wilmington belongs to the metropolitan area of ​​Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), about 5.83 million people live. The city has been inhabited by Swedish settlers since 1638 and belonged to the Neuschweden colony, which existed from 1638 to 1655. This Swedish episode can still be recognized well on the city’s flag. Wilmington is Delaware’s economic center, which is also suggested by its nicknames such as “Chemical Capital of the World”, “Corporate Capital of the World” and “Credit Card Capital of the World”. This is due to the tax benefits and the associated settlements of large and credit card companies. For vintage stores in Wilmington, check If you are in Wilmington, a visit to the Delaware Art Museum is a must, but other attractions such as state parks, theaters, churches or the riverfront are also worth knowing.

The city of Newark in the far northwest of Delaware has approximately 32,000 residents, making it the third largest city in the state. The city was founded in 1694 by Scottish and Welsh immigrants. Newark is home to the University of Delaware, the largest in the state. There are some sights on the university campus.

Delaware State Abbreviations

List of Delaware Acronyms

The most commonly used abbreviations about Delaware are DE which stands for Delaware. In the following table, you can see all acronyms related to Delaware, including abbreviations for airport, city, school, port, government, and etc.

DE: Delaware

Acronym Meaning
ASDI Analytical Services of Delaware Inc.
AIOD Apollo International of Delaware
ADVIS Association of Delaware Valley Independent Schools
BBBD Better Business Bureau of Delaware
BCDV Bicycle Coalition of the Delaware Valley
BBBSDE Big Brothers Big Sisters of Delaware
BCDV Borzoi Club of Delaware Valley
CADV Cardiovascular Associates of the Delaware Valley
CDSA Central Delaware Soccer Association
CFCD Consolidated Freightways Corporation of Delaware
CCND Corvette Club of Northern Delaware
DEL Delaware
GERMANY Delaware
DE Delaware
DAFP Delaware Academy of Family Physicians
DAPA Delaware Academy of Physician Assistants
DAST Delaware Administration for Specialized Transportation
DAPI Delaware Adolescent Program, Inc.
DASA Delaware African Students Association
DARA Delaware Amateur Racquetball Association
DH Delaware and Hudson Railway Company
DHVM Delaware and Hudson Virtual Museum
DELE Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor
DARA Delaware Animal Rights Association
DAA Delaware Apartment Association
DALIS Delaware Appraisal Land Information System
DARC Delaware Aquaculture Resource Center
DART Delaware Area Regional Transit
DAM Delaware Art Museum
DANA Delaware Association of Nonprofit Agencies
DASP Delaware Association of School Psychologists
DAD Delaware Association of the Deaf
DABC Delaware Avenue Baptist Church
DBOS Delaware Bay Observing System
DBCC Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition, Inc.
DBT Delaware Business Trust
DCED Delaware Center for Enterprise Development
DCCA Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts
DCMF Delaware Chamber Music Festival
DCAD Delaware College of Art and Design
DCPA Delaware College Preparatory Academy
DCPAS Delaware College Preparatory Academy
DCVA Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs
DCIC Delaware Community Investment Corporation
DCRAC Delaware Community Reinvestment Action Council
DCRN Delaware Conflict Resolution Network
DCC Delaware Correctional Center
DCTM Delaware Council of Teachers of Mathematics
DELCO Delaware County
DCAN Delaware County AIDS Network
DCAS Delaware County Aquarium Society
DCCS Delaware County Christian School
DCCC Delaware County Community College
DCCD Delaware County Conservation District
DCEC Delaware County Electric Cooperative
DCGS Delaware County Genealogical Society
DCHS Delaware County Historical Society
DCHA Delaware County Housing Authority
DCIU Delaware County Intermediate Unit
DCMH Delaware County Memorial Hospital
DCPI Delaware County Paranormal Investigators
DCTS Delaware County Technical Schools
DCUL Delaware Credit Union League
DCM Delaware Custom Material
DDA Delaware Department of Agriculture
DDOT Delaware Department of Transportation
DDDC Delaware Developmental Disabilities Council
DDK Delaware Diamond Knives, Inc.
DDOL Delaware Division Of Libraries
DEDA Delaware Economic Development Authority
DEDO Delaware Economic Development Office
DECCF Delaware Ecumenical Council on Children and Families
DESS Delaware Education Support System
DEC Delaware Electric Cooperative
DEMA Delaware Emergency Management Agency
DES Delaware Engineering Society
DEOS Delaware Environmental Observing System
DFMS Delaware Financial Management System
DFRC Delaware Foundation for Retarded Children
DGSJ Delaware Genealogical Society Journal
DGDC Delaware Geographic Data Committee
DGBC Delaware Grace Brethren Church
DHSSS Delaware Health and Social Services
DHSS Delaware Health and Social Services
DHCC Delaware Health Care Commission
DEHA Delaware Healthcare Association
DHGMA Delaware Herb Growers & Marketers Association
DHEC Delaware Higher Education Commission
DHEA Delaware Home Education Association
DHLA Delaware Hotel and Lodging Association
DIAA Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association
DJCL Delaware Journal of Corporate Law
DMBT Delaware Management Business Trust
DMIC Delaware Manufacturing Industries Corporation
DMB Delaware Memorial Bridge
DMA Delaware Millitary Academy
DMEA Delaware Music Educators Association
DNG Delaware National Guard
DNC Delaware North Companies
DNCA Delaware North Companies Australia
DNPS Delaware North Parks Services
DEPARTMENT Delaware Nurses Association
DNA Delaware Nurses Association
DOTA Delaware Occupational Therapy Association
DPI Delaware Pain Initiative
DPA Delaware Public Archives
DPAA Delaware Public Auto Auction
DQC Delaware Quality Conference
DREC Delaware Real Estate Commission
DRBLHF Delaware River & Bay Lighthouse Foundation, Inc.
DRB Delaware River Basin
DRGP Delaware River Greenway Partnership
DRMEC Delaware River Maritime Enterprise Council
DRNA Delaware River Neighborhood Alliance
DSC Delaware Safety Council, Inc.
DSD Delaware School for the Deaf
DSNA Delaware School Nurse Association
DSHM Delaware School of Hotel Management
DSPF Delaware Seashore Preservation Foundation
DSBA Delaware State Bar Association
DSCC Delaware State Chamber of Commerce
DSHA Delaware State Housing Authority
DSPC Delaware State Pistol Club
DSP Delaware State Police
DSSA Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association
DSU Delaware State University
DESU Delaware State University
DSTP Delaware Student Testing Program
DSO Delaware Symphony Orchestra
DTF Delaware Teaching Fellows
DTCC Delaware Technical & Community College
DTF Delaware Town Famous
DTC Delaware Transit Corporation
DVAU Delaware Valley Americans United for Separation of Church and State
DVAG Delaware Valley Archivists Group
DVARP Delaware Valley Association of Rail Passengers
DVCA Delaware Valley Chefs Association
DVC Delaware Valley College
DVCHC Delaware Valley Collegiate Hockey Conference
DVDA Delaware Valley Dance Academy
DVDS Delaware Valley Daylily Society
DVDLC Delaware Valley Distance Learning Consortium
DVEC Delaware Valley Education Consortium
DVHC Delaware Valley Healthcare Council
DVHRC Delaware Valley Historic Radio Club
DVHL Delaware Valley Hockey League
DVO Delaware Valley Opera
DVOC Delaware Valley Opera Company
DVOA Delaware Valley Orienteering Association
DVOC Delaware Valley Ornithological Club
DVO Delaware Valley Outdoors
DVP Delaware Valley Poets
DVRHS Delaware Valley Regional High School
DVSC Delaware Valley Science Council
DVS Delaware Valley Section
DVSA Delaware Valley Sprint Association
DVSC Delaware Valley Stroke Council
DVSA Delaware Valley Surf Anglers
DVTA Delaware Valley Translators Association
DVTP Delaware Valley Transplant Program
DVTD Delaware Valley Tres Dias
DVWF Delaware Valley Wholesale Florist
DVZC Delaware Valley Zen Center
DVH Delaware Veterans Home
DEVMA Delaware Veterinary Medical Association
DVCA Delaware Volleyball Coaches Association
DVLS Delaware Volunteer Legal Services
DWG Delaware Water Gap
DEWA Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
DYPF Delaware Young Playwrights Festival
DLW Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad
DCMO Delaware-Chenango-Madison-Otsego
DL Delaware-Lackawanna Railroad
D-DEL Democrat – Delaware
DDBL Dingman Delaware Branch Library
DSAD Down Syndrome Association of Delaware
GDVPTR Greater Delaware Valley Pediatric Tumor Registry
HSD Historical Society of Delaware
HOND Housing Opportunities of Northern Delaware
JFD Jewish Federation of Delaware
JHSD Jewish Historical Society of Delaware
LDBC Lake Delaware Boys’ Camp
LDAF Lower Delaware Autism Foundation
LSD Lower Slower Delaware
MDDE Maryland and Delaware Railroad
MSDIS Medical Society of Delaware Insurance Services
MIE Muncie, IN, USA – Delaware County Airport
ODRM Office of the Delaware River Master
PDCA Pennsylvania and Delaware Cleaners Association
PDVC Philadelphia Delaware Valley Chapter
QID Quality Insights of Delaware
SSD Software Services of Delaware, Inc
SODE Special Olympics Delaware
SSWM Sub-Surface Waste Management of Delaware, Inc.
UPD Ulster Project Delaware
UWD United Water Delaware, Inc.
UD University of Delaware
UDEL University of Delaware
UDBG University of Delaware Botanic Gardens
UDECU University of Delaware Emergency Care Unit
UDET University of Delaware Equestrian Team
UDLA University of Delaware Library Associates
UDWRA University of Delaware Water Resources Agency
WBDR West Branch of the Delaware River

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