Iowa Abbreviation

What is the abbreviation for Iowa state?

IA is the 2 letter abbreviation for Iowa, the 31th largest state in the United States of America. Iowa is a state located in West North Central part of U.S.A, bordering Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. Des Moines is the capital city of Iowa. Major cities include Des Moines (Population: 210341), Cedar Rapids (Population: 130416), Davenport (Population: 102593), Sioux City (Population: 82832), Iowa City (Population: 74231), Waterloo (Population: 68471), Ames (Population: 65071), West Des Moines (Population: 64124), Council Bluffs (Population: 62608), Dubuque (Population: 58810), Ankeny (Population: 56775), and Urbandale (Population: 44073).

Iowa State Flag

Iowa State Profile

  • Capital: Des Moines
  • Admitted to USA: 1846
  • Area: 145,746 km2
  • Population: 3,155,070
  • Time zone: GMT-6
  • Calling code: 319, 515, 563, 641, 712
  • ISO 2-Letter Postal Abbreviation:  IA
  • State Government Website:


Iowa was named after the Iowa Indians and in 1846 became the 29th state in the United States. In memory of the Indian chief Black Hawk, Iowa is also known as “Hawkeye State”. He was a leader of the Sac tribe who were relocated to Iowa. With its prairie landscape, Iowa is considered a typical state of the Midwest. More than 90% of the area is used for agriculture. The inhabitants of the sparsely populated state are considered to be particularly religious.
Two men of the same name come from the state: one is the winter actor born John Wayne in Winterset and the other is the mass murderer John Wayne born in Waterloo.

In Iowa, the first primaries for presidential candidates are traditionally held every four years in February. The state covers an area of ​​145,743 km² – with approximately 3.1 million inhabitants. The capital is Des Moines with around 205,000 inhabitants. Iowa became internationally known not least due to the film “Gilbert Grape – Somewhere in Iowa” by director Lasse Hallström from 1993. Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio and Juliette Lewis played the leading roles in this wistful tragic comedy.

Cities and larger towns

Des Moines
With around 203,500 residents, Des Moines has been the capital and largest city in the state of Iowa since 1857. The Des Moines metropolitan area has around 502,900 inhabitants. The city is also the administrative headquarters of Polk County, which is located in central Iowa. Des Moines is the headquarters for many large insurance companies and has been chosen as the best place to go for those in the United States. The city is also home to the Iowa Caucus, which has been one of the most important venues for presidential campaigns in the United States since 1972. According to the New York Times, there is no better place than Des Moines to experience presidential candidates in their fullest element, as most of them have headquarters in the capital of Iowa. See wilsonvintage for vintage stores in Des Moines.

Cedar Rapids
In western Iowa, Cedar Rapids, with approximately 126,500 residents, is the state’s second largest city and administrative center of Linn County. It was named after the nearby Cedar River. Cedar Rapids is also known as “The City of Five Seasons”, the fifth being the time it takes to enjoy the other four – a motto that can be found almost everywhere in Cedar Rapids finds again. Time plays a major role, especially in the local art scene. The city has numerous notable people such as B. the painter Grant Wood or the aviation pioneers, the Wright brothers.

Approximately 100,000 people live in Davenport, Iowa, the state’s third largest city and the county seat of Scott County. Davenport is one of the so-called Quad Cities of Iowa and Illinois, an amalgamation of some locations on the Mississippi River. Davenport is the only city on the Mississippi that is not secured against flood disasters or has sufficient levees. Every house in the city must therefore be built above the 100-year maximum water level and have flood walls.

Sioux City
The city of Sioux City in Woodbury and Plymouth County in western Iowa on the border with Nebraska has around 83,000 inhabitants. It lies directly on the Missouri River, whose navigability ends in Sioux City. Sioux City was voted one of the Best Places to Live in the USA by Money Magazine in 2009. The city received most of all attention through the film “Catastrophe Flight 232″, for which it was the setting. The film is based on a true story in 1989 and deals with the smashing of a runaway United Airlines plane that killed several hundred people.

With approximately 87,000 residents, Waterloo is the state’s fifth largest city and the administrative seat of Black Hawk County, located in central Iowa. The city was built on a former Indian village, which led to numerous confrontations. It belongs to the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Metropolitan Area, which together has almost 165,000 inhabitants. Waterloo is particularly well known as the home of the five Sullivan brothers who died together on board the USS Juneau during the Second World War. The film “The Soldier James Ryan” with Tom Hanks in the leading role was dedicated to them.

Iowa City
Iowa City is the sixth largest city in Iowa and the county seat of Johnson County. Until 1857, Iowa City was the state capital. The city has around 68,000 inhabitants, most of whom are students. Iowa City is known as a distinguished university city because it is home to the headquarters of the University of Iowa. The former State Capitol, which is the logo of the university and is another interesting historical site, is located on their campus.

Iowa State Abbreviations

List of Iowa Acronyms

The most commonly used abbreviations about Iowa are IA which stands for Iowa. In the following table, you can see all acronyms related to Iowa, including abbreviations for airport, city, school, port, government, and etc.

IA: Iowa

Acronym Meaning
ASI Advanced Stucco of Iowa
AAI Agribusiness Association of Iowa
ASIST Alumni Seeking Iowa Students
APSI Animal Protection Society of Iowa
AI AnimeIowa
AHSI Arabian Horse Society of Iowa
AEI Art Educators of Iowa
APAI Asphalt Paving Association of Iowa
BIC Bicyclists of Iowa City
BCBSI Blue Cross Blue Shield of Iowa
CLIP Carnegie Libraries in Iowa Project
CIC Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway Company
CIAA Central Iowa Apartment Alliance
CIAA Central Iowa Art Association
CIBD Central Iowa Barn Dance
CILA Central Iowa Lacrosse Association
CIPEC Central Iowa Public Employees Council
CIS Central Iowa Symphony
CITA Central Iowa Trail Association
CSIF Coalition to Support Iowa Farmers
CHCSI Community Health Centers of Southern Iowa
CIVIC Council for International Visitors to Iowa Cities
DMIA Des Moines, Iowa
EIBB Eastern Iowa Brass Band
EICC Eastern Iowa Community College
EICCD Eastern Iowa Community College District
EIFA Eastern Iowa Flute Association
EIIC Eastern Iowa Industrial Center
EIPS Eastern Iowa Pond Society
EIC Equitable of Iowa Companies
FPCI Family Planning Council of Iowa
FCIB Friends of Central Iowa Biking
GSEI Global Swine Exchange of Iowa
GATI Great Ape Trust of Iowa
GICU Greater Iowa Credit Union
GIRS Greater Iowa Reef Society
GIV Grow Iowa Values Fund
HITT Healthy Iowans Tobacco Trust
IA Iowa
IO Iowa
IAAFP Iowa Academy of Family Physicians
IADA Iowa Agricultural Development Authority
IAAT Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test
IAGA Iowa Amputee Golf Association
IAAAP Iowa Army Ammunition Plant
IAAP Iowa Army Ammunition Plant
IAC Iowa Arts Council
IAPME Iowa Associated Press Managing Editors
IACAC Iowa Association for College Admission Counseling
IADR Iowa Association for Dispute Resolution
IAPT Iowa Association for Play Therapy
IACPR Iowa Association of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation
IAEC Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives
IAFCS Iowa Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
IAMB Iowa Association of Mortgage Brokers
IANA Iowa Association of Nurse Anesthetists
IANS Iowa Association of Nursing Students
IAPFC Iowa Association of Professional Fire Chiefs
IAD Iowa Association of the Deaf
IATO Iowa Association of Track Officials
IAWC Iowa Association of Workers’ Compensation Lawyers, Inc.
IBA Iowa Bandmasters Association, Inc
ISOBUTANOL Iowa Bandmasters Association, Inc
IBMC Iowa Bankers Mortgage Corporation
IBS Iowa Barbeque Society
IBF Iowa Barn Foundation
IBON Iowa Board of Nursing
IBN Iowa Board of Nursing
IBPE Iowa Board of Pharmacy Examiners
IBSSS Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School
IBHA Iowa Buckskin Horse Association
IBEA Iowa Business Education Association
ICC Iowa Cancer Consortium
ICA Iowa Cattlemen’s Association
ICRU Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduates
ICCC Iowa Central Community College
IACH Iowa Chapter
ICBA Iowa Character Builder Awards
ICAPP Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program
ICCA Iowa Children’s Choice Award
ICPA Iowa Chiropractic Patient Association
ICDA Iowa Choral Directors Association, Inc.
IC Iowa City
ICAD Iowa City Area Development Group, Inc.
ICCT Iowa City Community Theatre
ICCC Iowa City Cycling Club
ICHEN Iowa City Home Education Network
ICPL Iowa City Public Library
ICRC Iowa Civil Rights Commission
ICPA Iowa Class Preservation Association
ICLA Iowa Club Lamb Association
ICHR Iowa Coalition for Human Rights
ICLA Iowa Commission of Latino Affairs
ICVA Iowa Commission of Veterans Affairs
ICSAA Iowa Commission on the Status of African-Americans
ICSW Iowa Commission on the Status of Women
ICN Iowa Communications Network
ICAA Iowa Community Action Association
ICAAC Iowa Community College Athletic Conference
ICPA Iowa Concrete Paving Association
ICCCC Iowa Consortium for Comprehensive Cancer Control
ICSS Iowa Cooperative Soil Survey
ICEA Iowa Council for Early ACCESS
ICSBA Iowa Council of School Board Attorneys
ICTE Iowa Council of Teachers of English
ICAA Iowa County Attorneys Association
ICA Iowa Coursing Association
ICRA Iowa Court Reporters Association
ICPA Iowa Crime Prevention Association
ICIA Iowa Crop Improvement Association
IDPA Iowa Dairy Products Association
IDED Iowa Department of Economic Development
IDEA Iowa Department of Elder Affairs
IDOJ Iowa Department of Justice
IDOL Iowa Department of Labor
IDPH Iowa Department of Public Health
IDRF Iowa Department of Revenue and Finance
IDCRC Iowa Depression and Clinical Research Center
IDL Iowa Digital Library
IDLA Iowa Distance Learning Association
IEMA Iowa Educational Media Association
IEBA Iowa Elk Breeders Association
IEMD Iowa Emergency Management Division
IES Iowa Engineering Society
IERN Iowa Equine Rescue Network
IEC Iowa Events Center
IFFD Iowa Falls Family Dentistry
IFRN Iowa Family Resource Network
IFSA Iowa Financial Services Association
IFIS Iowa Flood Information System
IFLA Iowa Foreign Language Association
IFLAS Iowa Foreign Language Association
IFAPA Iowa Foster and Adoptive Parents Association
IGO Iowa Geocachers Organization
IGIC Iowa Geographic Information Council
IGRA Iowa Good Roads Association
IGI Iowa Governor’s Institute
IHOP Iowa Hall of Pride
IHSA Iowa Head Start Association
IHS Iowa Health System
IHC Iowa Healthcare Collaborative
IHDC Iowa Heritage Digital Collection
IHA Iowa Hospital Association
IIC Iowa Institute for Cooperatives
IIEP Iowa Intensive English Program
IITA Iowa Interpreters and Translators Association
IAIS Iowa Interstate Railroad System
IJH Iowa Juvenile Home
ILCC Iowa Lakes Community College
ILEC Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative
ILR Iowa Law Review
ILOC Iowa League of Cities
ILTC Iowa Learning Technology Commission
ILAW Iowa Legal Aid Website
ILA Iowa Library Association
IMHA Iowa Manufactured Housing Association
IMMAG Iowa Manure Management Action Group
IMGA Iowa Meat Goat Association
IMPA Iowa Meat Processors Association
IMS Iowa Medical Society
IMU Iowa Memorial Union
IMMAA Iowa Mennonite Mutual Aid Association
IMHCA Iowa Mental Health Counselors Association
IMMC Iowa Methodist Medical Center
IMSN Iowa Methodist School of Nursing
IMHC Iowa Miniature Horse Club
IMPA Iowa Motion Picture Association
IMTA Iowa Motor Truck Association
IMA Iowa Museum Association
IMEA Iowa Music Educators Association
IMTA Iowa Music Teachers Association
INGOA Iowa National Guard Officers Association
INAI Iowa Natural Areas Inventory
INS Iowa Network Services, Inc.
INRC Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center
IANR Iowa Northern Railway Co.
INUG Iowa Notes Users Group
INA Iowa Nurses’ Association
IOSH Iowa Occupational Safety and Health
IOAPA Iowa Online Advanced Placement Academy
IOWA Iowa Online Warrants & Articles
IOPI Iowa Oral Performance Instrument
IPTA Iowa Parent-Teacher Association
IPTA Iowa Physical Therapy Association
IPAS Iowa Physician Assistant Society
IPMS Iowa Podiatric Medical Society
IPPA Iowa Pork Producers Association
IPN Iowa Prairie Network
IPPA Iowa Press Photographers Association
IPAL Iowa Private Academic Libraries
IPCCC Iowa Private College Career Consortium
IPERS Iowa Public Employees Retirement System
IPPA Iowa Public Power Agency
IPPA Iowa Public Procurement Association
IPS Iowa Public Service
IPTV Iowa Public Television
IPTA Iowa Public Transit Association
IPO Iowa Publications Online
IPTA Iowa Pupil Transportation Association
IPSC Iowa Purebred Swine Council
IQB Iowa Quality Beef
IQC Iowa Quality Center
IQPPS Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards
IRGC Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission
IRFA Iowa Renewable Fuels Association
IRCCC Iowa Respite and Crisis Care Coalition
IRF Iowa Retail Federation
IRCA Iowa Roofing Contractors Association
ISACA Iowa School Age Care Alliance
ISCAP Iowa School Cash Anticipation Program
ISCA Iowa School Counselors Association
ISD Iowa School for the Deaf
ISPA Iowa School Psychologists Association
ISOS Iowa Secretary of State
ISIA Iowa Sheep Industry Association
ISFA Iowa Society of Financial Analysts Inc
ISHA Iowa Society of Healthcare Attorneys
ISU Iowa Southern Utilities
ISA Iowa Soybean Association
ISPB Iowa Soybean Promotion Board
ISAC Iowa State Association of Counties
ISACA Iowa State Association of County Auditors
ISBT Iowa State Bank and Trust Company
ISBA Iowa State Bar Association
ISBS Iowa State Button Society
ISEA Iowa State Educational Association
ISF Iowa State Fair
ISHC Iowa State Highway Commission
ISHPO Iowa State Historical Preservation Office
ISCC Iowa State Sailing Club
ISU Iowa State University
ISUCF Iowa State University Cyclone Football
ISULL Iowa State University Limnology Laboratory
ISURP Iowa State University Research Park
ISHA Iowa Stock Horse Association
ISCA Iowa Student Computer Association
ISCA Iowa Student Computing Alumni
ISIS Iowa Student Information System
ITS Iowa Talent Search
ITAG Iowa Talented and Gifted Association
ITRL Iowa Tax Research Library
ITOP Iowa Teachers of Psychology
ITEC Iowa Technology and Education Connection
IT Iowa Telecom
ITA Iowa Telecommunications Association
ITS Iowa Telecommunications Services Inc
ITBS Iowa Test of Basic Skills
ITED Iowa Test of Educational Development
ITFT Iowa Thin Film Technologies
ITSB Iowa Trust and Savings Bank
ITGP Iowa Tuition Grant Program
IU Iowa University
IUB Iowa Utilities Board
IVCCD Iowa Valley Community College District
IVH Iowa Veterans Home
IVMA Iowa Veterinary Medical Association
IVRS Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services
IWE Iowa Waste Exchange
IWRC Iowa Waste Reduction Center
IWPA Iowa Water Pollution Association
IWWA Iowa Water Well Association
IWD Iowa Web Design
IWC Iowa Wesleyan College
IWCC Iowa Western Community College
IWD Iowa Workforce Development
IWLA Iowa World Language Association
IYC Iowa Youth Chorus
IC-AND-E Iowa, Chicago & Eastern Railroad
ICE Iowa, Chicago and Eastern Railroad Corporation
IITI Iowa-Illinois Taylor Insulation
JIAS Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science
JISMS Journal of the Iowa State Medical Society
KW Kiowa Warrior
KEI Kodály Educators of Iowa
KIR Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa SA
LLLI La Leche League of Iowa
LSI Lutheran Services in Iowa
MAUI Made at the University of Iowa
MIALT Mid-Iowa Achievement Level Test
MICA Mid-Iowa Community Action, Inc
MINE Mid-Iowa Narcotics Enforcement
MUT Muscatine Municipal Airfield, Iowa
NRPC National Radiowave Propagation Committee
NIEC Nebraska Iowa Electrical Council
NCIGP North Central Iowa Growth Partnership
NIACC North Iowa Area Community College
NICL North Iowa Cedar League
NIFA North Iowa Fair Association
NIRHA North Iowa Regional Housing Authority
NIVC North Iowa Vocational Center
NICC Northeast Iowa Community College
NISOM Northeast Iowa School of Music
NITI Northeast Iowa Technical Institute
NICC Northern Iowa Children’s Choir
NIDC Northwest Iowa Dialysis Center
NISO Northwest Iowa Symphony Orchestra
NWIT Northwest Iowa Telephone
NIT Northwest Iowa Transportation, Inc.
PMCI Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Stores of Iowa
PPGI Planned Parenthood of Greater Iowa
PFI Practical Farmers of Iowa
PCAI Prevent Child Abuse Iowa
PIN Progressive Iowa Network
RIIF Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund
RASCI Regional Anesthesia Study Center of Iowa
RAGBRAI Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa
SLSI Society of Land Surveyors of Iowa
SICL South Iowa Cedar League
SIOA Southeast Iowa Officials Association
SIEC Southern Iowa Electric Cooperative
SBAI Spina Bifida Association of Iowa
SAPIC State Association for the Preservation of Iowa Cemeteries
SUI State University of Iowa
TIBE The Iowa Biennial Exhibition
TICC Trans-Iowa Canal Company
UNIT Universal Network of Iowan Timelords
UOFI University of Iowa
UOI University of Iowa
UI University of Iowa
UIAC University of Iowa Antiwar Committee
UIBC University of Iowa Back Care
UICHR University of Iowa Center for Human Rights
UICB University of Iowa Center for the Book
UICD University of Iowa College of Dentistry
UICM University of Iowa College of Medicine
UIHC University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
UIRF University of Iowa Research Foundation
UISSW University of Iowa School of Social Work
UISA University of Iowa Student Association
UNI University of Northern Iowa
UIU Upper Iowa University
VTWI Virtual Train Watching in Iowa
VOICE Voter Owned Iowa Clean Elections
WWT Warioware Touched
WWT Warioware Twisted!
WHPI Wellmark Health Plan of Iowa
WIDA Western Iowa Dairy Alliance
WIDA Western Iowa Development Association
WIT Western Iowa Tech
WITC Western Iowa Tech Community College
WITA Western Iowa Telephone Association
WITR Western Iowa Tourism Region
WIMI Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, and Iowa

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