Abbreviation for Yaounde, Cameroon

Yaounde [jaun en], Yaounde, capital of Cameroon, 730 m above sea level in wooded hills in the southwest of the country (2015) 2.8 million residents.

Seat of a Catholic archbishop; University (founded in 1962), National Archives; Food industry, brewery and wood processing; Road junction on the Cameroon Central Railway, international airport.

Old town with nested residential quarters and some old Greek and French trading houses. The presidential and justice palaces, the town hall, some ministries and the largest market in the city (Marché Central) were designed as representative modern architecture. In the monastery on Mont Fébé, collection of Cameroonian art (especially ceremonial bamboo whistles).

Established in 1889 as a German military station, Yaoundé was the capital of the French mandate from 1919 and has been the seat of government of independent Cameroon since 1960.

Abbreviations for Yaounde, Cameroon

City Profile

  • Abbreviation: NSI
  • Country: Cameroon

NSI: Yaounde, Cameroon - Nsimalen

List of Yaounde Acronyms

The most commonly used abbreviations for Yaounde is NSI which stands for Yaounde. In the following table, you can see all acronyms related to Yaounde, including abbreviations for airport, city, school, port, government, and etc.

City Abbreviation Meanings
Yaounde NSI Yaounde, Cameroon – Nsimalen
Yaounde YCH Yaounde Central Hospital