Vanuatu Abbreviations

VU is the abbreviation for Vanuatu, the 157th largest country in the world. Officially Republic of Vanuatu, Vanuatu is a country located in Oceania, bordering Fiji, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands. Port Vila is the capital city of Vanuatu. Major cities include Port Vila (population: 35,890), Luganville (population: 13,386), Norsup (population: 2,987), Port-Olry (population: 1,940), Isangel (population: 1,426), Sola (population: 1,160), and Lakatoro (population: 694).

Country Profile

  • Capital: Port Vila
  • Language: Bislama, English, French
  • Area: 12,189 km2
  • Population: 272,459
  • Currency: Vanuatu vatu (VUV)
  • Time zone: UTC+11
  • Calling code: 678
  • ISO 2-Letter Abbreviation: VU
  • UN 3-Letter Abbreviation: VUT
  • Internet TLD: .vu
  • State Government Website:

Map of Vanuatu

List of Vanuatu Acronyms

The most commonly used abbreviations about Vanuatu are VU which stands for Vanuatu and VUV which means Vanuatu vatu (Vanuatu currency). In the following table, you can see all acronyms related to Vanuatu, including abbreviations for airport, city, school, port, government, and etc.

VU: Vanuatu

Abbreviation Meaning
AVN Air Vanuatu
NF Air Vanuatu Limited
MAV Media Association Blong Vanuatu
NBV National Bank of Vanuatu
VLI Port Vila, Vanuatu – Bauerfield
VUT Vanuatu
VU Vanuatu
VAWG Vanuatu Association of Women Graduates
VCCP Vanuatu Carbon Credits Project
VCC Vanuatu Christian Council
VCTU Vanuatu Council of Trade Unions
VCC Vanuatu Cultural Centre
VFHA Vanuatu Family Health Association
VFIB Vanuatu Foreign Investment Board
VITE Vanuatu Institute of Teachers’ Education
VIPA Vanuatu Investment Promotion Authority
VJA Vanuatu Journalists Association
VKS Vanuatu Kaljoral Senta
VNPF Vanuatu National Provident Fund
VNYC Vanuatu National Youth Council
VRP Vanuatu Republican Party
VUVS Vanuatu Vatu
VUV Vanuatu Vatu


Vanuatu consists of 12 large and 70 smaller islands, of which 65 are inhabited. They extend 130 miles from south to north in the southwestern Pacific. All the largest islands are of volcanic origin with steep hilly terrain inland and a narrow coastal plain. Several of the islands have active volcanoes. The smaller islands are mainly coral islands, including those with steep and hilly inland, and narrow coastal plains. There are many coral reefs and several submarine volcanoes in the marine areas around the islands. The climate is tropical hot and humid all year round, with small seasonal variations. The driest and coldest months are from May to October.

Vanuatu is very prone to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tropical hurricanes. The land is also struggling with deforestation, leading to soil erosion and leaching of the arable land. Rapid population growth has led to environmental problems related to pollution due to poor waste management and inadequate sanitation facilities.


Archaeological finds show that there has been human activity in Vanuatu for at least 3000 years. Little is known about the prehistory of the islands before Europeans came to the area in the 17th century. The first Europeans to discover the islands were Portuguese seafarers in 1606. However, the islands were first colonized towards the end of the 1700s when French and British missionaries settled. Towards the end of the 19th century, the United Kingdom and France joined forces to manage the islands to safeguard the interests of British and French settlers.

The scheme was unique in a world context because the British-French colony was given two similar administrations. Each administration had its own governments, police forces, government systems, the judiciary and schools that were only responsible for their own compatriots. This made the local people stateless, as neither France nor the United Kingdom was responsible for them. During the Second World War, the islands became an important base for the Allies, leading to a resurgence of the local population. After the war, dissatisfaction with the colonial powers and the repressive form of the archipelago increased. In the 1970s, the first political parties were formed, and in 1980, Britain and France succumbed to the demand for independence.

Society and politics

Vanuatu is a democratic republic. The president is the head of state, and mainly has a ceremonial role. The executive power lies with a prime minister and the government. The Prime Minister is elected by Parliament. The legislative power lies with the parliament which is elected in general elections for four years at a time. Parliament also elects the president along with the leaders of the country’s regional councils. Politics is characterized by personal power struggles and not ideological differences. Ethnic affiliation, and which denomination one belongs to, is more important than loyalty to the party. This has led to frequent changes in government.

Vanuatu consists of many different groups of people, with individual traditions, languages ​​and cultures. The majority of the population live in villages or in the countryside where tribal belonging is the most important network. In the countryside, old traditions and norms lead to women being oppressed. Women are particularly underrepresented in politics and in other prominent roles in society. However, the biggest societal problem is related to obesity. About half the population is considered overweight, and every third inhabitant struggles with high blood pressure. The health problems are mainly due to the introduction of new products and foods such as refined sugar, and easy access to fast food.

Economics and Commerce

Vanuatu is one of the least developed countries in the world. Economic development has been hampered by slow modernization and poor infrastructure. Regular natural disasters such as tropical hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes have also hampered the country’s economic development. The majority of the population is employed in agriculture or fishing, both of which are very vulnerable to weather and climate change. Agriculture and fisheries are mainly operated for their own consumption, and only a quarter of the workers receive a fixed salary. The most important income for the country is the tourism industry. Over the past decades, the tourism industry has grown strongly. The growth of the tourism industry has also led to growth in the construction industry.

Despite economic growth, the country is struggling with widespread poverty. Around 13 percent of the population lives in absolute poverty. Vanuatu is completely dependent on imports of fuel, machinery and food products, which has led to a large trade deficit (they import more than they export). The financial deficit is mainly covered by international assistance and revenues from the tourism industry.

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