What does AA mean?

Are you looking for the meanings of AA? On the following image, you can see major definitions of AA. If you want, you can also download image file to print, or you can share it with your friend via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, etc. To see all meanings of AA, please scroll down. The full list of definitions is shown in the table below in alphabetical order.

Major Meanings of AA

The following image presents the most commonly used meanings of AA. You can down the image file in PNG format for offline use or send it to your friends by email. If you are a webmaster of non-commercial website, please feel free to publish the image of AA definitions on your website.

What does aa stand for

As previously mentioned, the image associated with the acronym AA is formatted in PNG, which stands for Portable Network Graphics. This image has specific dimensions, with a length of 669 pixels and a width of 350 pixels. The file size of the image is approximately 60 kilobytes. This format and size are chosen to ensure that the image maintains high quality while remaining efficient in terms of storage and loading times.
  • Citation as a Visitor
What does AA mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation or slang term. If you find this information useful or interesting, please feel free to share it on your favorite social media platforms.
  • Citation as a Webmaster
If you wish for your visitors to access a comprehensive list of all possible meanings of the acronym AA, it is recommended that you incorporate the acronym into your bibliography using proper citation formats.

All Definitions of AA

As mentioned above, you will see all meanings of AA in the following table. Please know that all definitions are listed in alphabetical order. You can click links on the right to see detailed information of each definition, including definitions in English and your local language.
AAAardvarks Anonymous
AAAbbreviated Analysis
AAAbdominal Aorta
AAAberdeen Area
AAAblative Absolute
AAAbort Accept
AAAbsent All
AAAbsolute Abstinence
AAAbsolute Altitude
AAAbsorption Développement Atomique
AAAcademic Administrator
AAAcademy Award
AAAcademy of Aphasia
AAAcadia Axemen
AAAcadémie d'Alsace
AAAcadémie d'Architecture
AAAccelerated Academics
AAAccess Authorization
AAAccount Administrator
AAAccountable Activity
AAAccountable Area
AAAccounting Authority
AAAccreditation Authority
AAAccredited in Accountancy
AAAccumulated Amortization
AAAce Attorney
AAAcetic Acid
AAAcetic Anhydride
AAAchieved Availability
AAAchievement Age
AAAcquisition Activities
AAAcquisition Agent
AAAcronym Abuse
AAAcronym Attic
AAAcrylic Acid
AAActing Appointment
AAAction Aid
AAActivation Analysis
AAActive Adjunct
AAActive Application
AAActive Army
AAActivity Area
AAActs of the Apostles
AAAcupuncture Analgesia
AAAcute Abdomen
AAAd Acta
AAAdam's Army
AAAdaptive Array
AAAddicts Anonymous
AAAdios Amigo
AAAdjustment Assistance
AAAdministering Agency
AAAdministrative Arrangement
AAAdministrative Assistance
AAAdministrative Assistant
AAAdministrative Associate
AAAdministrative Authority
AAAdult Accompaniment
AAAdult Adoptee
AAAdvanced Academy
AAAdvanced Agreement
AAAdvanced Airway
AAAdvanced Alloy
AAAdvancement Act of 1995
AAAdvantage Agreement
AAAdverse Action
AAAdvertising Agency
AAAdvertising Association
AAAdvices of Allowance
AAAdvise of Allotment
AAAerolineas Argentina
AAAffected Area
AAAffirmative Action
AAAffordability Analysis
AAAffordability Assessment
AAAgent Agreement
AAAgent Aika
AAAgglutination Anticyclonique
AAAggravated Assault
AAAgility Addicts
AAAgjencia e Akreditimit
AAAhavath Achim
AAAiming Algorithm
AAAir Advisor
AAAir Ambulance
AAAir Armament
AAAir Army
AAAir Assault
AAAir Attache
AAAirborne Alert
AAAirfield Assault
AAAirman Apprentice
AAAkbar And Aleem Associates Planners Consulting Engineers
AAAkbar and Aleem Associates Planners & Consulting Engineers
AAAku Ankka
AAAlbuquerque Academy
AAAlcoa Aluminum
AAAlcohol Abuse
AAAlcoholics Anonymous
AAAldosterone Antagonist
AAAlert Areas
AAAlerting Authority
AAAlgorithmic Architecture
AAAll Aboard
AAAll Advantage
AAAll After
AAAllah Akhbar
AAAlleged Assault
AAAllergic Asthma
AAAllied Affairs
AAAlopecia Areata
AAAlsthom Atlantique
AAAlt Advancement
AAAlter Aeon
AAAlternate Advancement
AAAlternate Assessment
AAAlternate/Alternative Analysis
AAAlternatealternative Analysis
AAAlto Adige
AAAluminum Association
AAAlumni Association
AAAlways Afloat
AAAlzheimer's Association
AAAlzheimer's Australia
AAAmarillo Area Office
AAAmazing Assist
AAAmbulance Assistant
AAAmerica's Army
AAAmerican Airlines
AAAmerican Annex
AAAmerican Anthropologist
AAAmerican Anthropology
AAAmerican Antiquity
AAAmerican Association
AAAmerican Atheists, Inc.
AAAmerican Aviation
AAAmiga Anywhere
AAAmigos en Acción
AAAmino Acid
AAAmon Amarth
AAAmount Administered
AAAmplitude of Accommodation
AAAmstrad Action
AAAmy Acker
AAAnadolu Ajansi
AAAnaheim Angels
AAAnal Aneurysm
AAAnalysis and Applications
AAAnalysis of Alternatives
AAAnarchists of America
AAAnatomical Adaptation
AAAnchor Assembly
AAAncient Adena
AAAndecha Astur
AAAnders And
AAAnderson Analytics, LLC
AAAndrei Arshavin
AAAnesthesiologist's Assistant
AAAngels & Airwaves
AAAngels Airwaves
AAAngle Angle Similarity Postulate
AAAngle of Attack
AAAnimal Aid
AAAnn Arbor
AAAnn Arbor Railroad Company
AAAnne Arundel
AAAnnulus Air
AAAnonyma Alkoholister
AAAnonyme Alkoholikere
AAAnonymous Access
AAAnsel Adams
AAAnsett Airways
AAAntiochian Archdiocese
AAAntiquities Authority
AAAnxiety Attack
AAAo Ano
AAApe Alliance
AAApplicant Assistance
AAApplication Activity
AAApplication Administrator
AAApplication Association
AAApplied Aerodynamics
AAAppointing Authority
AAAppropriate Action
AAAppropriate Authority
AAApproval Action
AAApproved Apparatus
AAApproving Authority
AAApproximate Absolute
AAAptitude Area
AAArachidonic Acid
AAArboricultural Association
AAArchery Australia
AAArchitectural Association
AAArchitecture d'Aujourd'hui
AAArea of Action
AAArgentum Astrum
AAArithmetic Accuracy
AAArithmetic Average
AAArithmetical Average
AAArlington Annex Building
AAArmature Accelerator
AAArmed Forces Americas
AAArmies in the Atlantic
AAArn Anderson
AAArnold Arboretum
AAAromatic Amine
AAArrival Angle
AAArsenal do Alfeite
AAArthur Andersen
AAAs Above
AAAsesoría Automotriz
AAAsian American
AAAsian Avenue
AAAspect Angle
AAAssembly Area
AAAsset Allocation
AAAssignment Area
AAAssistance Administration
AAAssistant Administration
AAAssistant Administrator
AAAssociate Administrator
AAAssociate in Accounting
AAAssociate in Arts
AAAssociative Arrays
AAAssociazione Allievi
AAAthletic Association
AAAthletics Australia
AAAtomic Absorption
AAAtrophia Areata
AAAttack Assessment
AAAttack Attack!
AAAttainment Area
AAAttendance Allowance
AAAttenuation Adaptivity
AAAttitude Adjustment
AAAttribute Authority
AAAudio Adrenaline
AAAudit Agent
AAAudits and Assessment Office
AAAugustinians of the Assumption, Assumptionists
AAAustere Academy
AAAustralian Army
AAAustrian Airlines
AAAustrian Alliance
AAAuswärtiges Amt
AAAuthor's Alteration
AAAuthoritative Answer
AAAuthorized Absence
AAAuthorized Allowance
AAAuto Aim
AAAuto Assault
AAAutomated Attendant
AAAutomated Auction
AAAutomatic Adjust
AAAutomatic Answer
AAAutomatic Approach
AAAutomatic Associator
AAAutomobile Association
AAAutos Anciennes Garage
AAAvenue of Approach
AAAverage Audience
AAAvian Adventures
AAAviation Archive
AAAvro Arrow
AAAxillary Arch
AAAxis & Allies
AAAxis Allies
AAAxis of Advance
AABattery Size
AABra Size
AAIntermediate Level of League
AANo sickle-cell Anemia
AASecond Highest Level of Division I College Athletics
AAStock and Bond Rating
AAUSDA Grade for Dairy Products and Eggs
AAassessment agent

This page illustrates how AA is used in messaging and chat forums, in addition to social networking software like VK, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Snapchat. From the table above, you can view all meanings of AA: some are educational terms, the other are medical terms, and even computer terms. If you know of another definition of AA, please contact us. We will include it during next update of our database.

AA as an Acronym

In summary, AA is an abbreviation that can stand for various terms depending on the context, and its interpretation can vary across different fields such as technology, business, education, geography, government, law and other specialized areas. If you have more interpretations or meanings for this acronym, we encourage you to contact us and share them, as understanding the diverse uses of abbreviations like AA helps in better communication and comprehension across various fields.
  • Advantage of Using Acronym AA
Using AA as an acronym offers efficiency and brevity, saving time and space in communication while conveying professionalism and expertise within specific industries. The use of acronym acts as memory aids and maintain a consistent tone in documentation.
  • Disadvantage of Using Acronym AA
Because AA has multiple meanings, this acronym can be ambiguous, leading to confusion if it is unfamiliar to the audience. Using acronym can also create exclusivity, potentially alienating those not versed in the jargon, and excessive use can reduce clarity.