What does CCC mean?

Are you looking for the meanings of CCC? On the following image, you can see major definitions of CCC. If you want, you can also download image file to print, or you can share it with your friend via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, etc. To see all meanings of CCC, please scroll down. The full list of definitions is shown in the table below in alphabetical order.

Major Meanings of CCC

The following image presents the most commonly used meanings of CCC. You can down the image file in PNG format for offline use or send it to your friends by email. If you are a webmaster of non-commercial website, please feel free to publish the image of CCC definitions on your website.

What does ccc stand for

As previously mentioned, the image associated with the acronym CCC is formatted in PNG, which stands for Portable Network Graphics. This image has specific dimensions, with a length of 669 pixels and a width of 350 pixels. The file size of the image is approximately 60 kilobytes. This format and size are chosen to ensure that the image maintains high quality while remaining efficient in terms of storage and loading times.
  • Citation as a Visitor
What does CCC mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation or slang term. If you find this information useful or interesting, please feel free to share it on your favorite social media platforms.
  • Citation as a Webmaster
If you wish for your visitors to access a comprehensive list of all possible meanings of the acronym CCC, it is recommended that you incorporate the acronym into your bibliography using proper citation formats.

All Definitions of CCC

As mentioned above, you will see all meanings of CCC in the following table. Please know that all definitions are listed in alphabetical order. You can click links on the right to see detailed information of each definition, including definitions in English and your local language.
CCCCARDA Coordination Center
CCCCDMA Cluster Controller
CCCCIK Comfirmation Code
CCCCPU Clock Counter
CCCCalhoun Community College
CCCCalibration Check Compounds
CCCCalifornia Cider Company
CCCCalifornia Coastal Commission
CCCCalifornia Commissioning Collaborative
CCCCalifornia Community Colleges
CCCCalifornia Conservation Corps
CCCCalifornia Correctional Center
CCCCalifornia Countercurrent
CCCCall Content Channel
CCCCalm Cool and Collected
CCCCalorie Control Council
CCCCambrian Caving Council
CCCCambridge Career College
CCCCambridge Chamber of Commerce
CCCCambridgeshire County Council
CCCCamden County College
CCCCamelback Collectibles Club
CCCCamp Catherine Capers
CCCCampbelltown City Council
CCCCamping and Caravanning Club
CCCCampus Child Care
CCCCampus Climate Challenge
CCCCampus Crusade for Christ
CCCCampus Crusade for Cthulhu
CCCCanadian Cardiovascular Congress
CCCCanadian Chamber of Commerce
CCCCanadian Climate Centre
CCCCanadian Codes Centre
CCCCanadian Commercial Corporation
CCCCanadian Committee on Cataloguing
CCCCanadian Company Capabilities
CCCCanadian Computing Competition
CCCCanadian Council of Churches
CCCCanadian Counsellor Certification
CCCCanadian Criminal Code
CCCCanadian Cultural Centre
CCCCanari Chant Club
CCCCanis Club Chartrain
CCCCanola Council of Canada
CCCCanterbury Clothing Company
CCCCapacity Coordination Cell
CCCCapital Community College
CCCCapitol Cement Corporation
CCCCaptains Career Course
CCCCar Care Council
CCCCar Communication Computer
CCCCardiff County Council
CCCCardiff Cycling Club
CCCCare, Custody and Control
CCCCareer Counselors Consortium
CCCCargo Carrying Capacity
CCCCargo Category Code
CCCCargo Control Console
CCCCaribbean Conference of Churches
CCCCaribbean Conservation Corporation
CCCCaribbean Cultural Committee
CCCCarlito Caribbean Cool
CCCCarlito Carribean Cool
CCCCarmarthenshire County Council
CCCCarolina Canoe Club
CCCCarolina Christian Communications
CCCCaroline Chisholm College
CCCCarriers Container Council, Inc.
CCCCascade Collegiate Conference
CCCCash Conversion Cycle
CCCCasino Control Commission
CCCCassiopia Computer Corp.
CCCCatalyst Control Center
CCCCatchment Conservation Committee
CCCCatechism of the Catholic Church
CCCCathodal Closer Contraction
CCCCatholic Communication Campaign
CCCCatholic Conservation Center
CCCCaucasian Chalk Circle
CCCCelebration Covenant Church
CCCCellules Communistes Combattantes
CCCCenter for Community Capitalism
CCCCenter for Community Change
CCCCenter for Cooperative Concepts
CCCCentral Christian Church
CCCCentral City Co-Op
CCCCentral City Concern
CCCCentral Coast Chapter
CCCCentral Composite Circumscribed
CCCCentral Computer Complex
CCCCentral Criminal Court
CCCCentre Culturel Cinématographique
CCCCentre Culturel de Chine
CCCCentre Culturel et de Coopération
CCCCentre des Conseils Communaux
CCCCentre for Complexity and Change
CCCCentre for Culture and Communication
CCCCeramic Chip Carrier
CCCCerebro-Corporal Coefficient
CCCCeredigion County Council
CCCCerritos Community College
CCCCertificate of Clinical Competence
CCCCertificate of Completion and Compliance
CCCCertificate of Creditable Coverage
CCCCertified Chef de Cuisines
CCCCertified Collateral Corporation
CCCCertified Cost Consultant
CCCCertified County Commissioner
CCCCessnock City Council
CCCChallenge Course Consultancy
CCCChallenge Cover Collection
CCCChalmers Cortège Committé
CCCChamber of Commerce Committee
CCCChampion Canary Club
CCCChange Configuration Control
CCCChannel Correlation Coefficient
CCCChannel-Cut Collimator
CCCChaos Computer Club e.V.
CCCChaparral Cycling Club
CCCCharge Current Controller
CCCChattanooga Choo-Choo
CCCChattanooga Convention Center
CCCCheat Code Central
CCCChemical Contamination Control
CCCCherokee Country Club
CCCCheshire County Council
CCCChessington Community College
CCCChicago Clearing Corporation
CCCChicago Conservation Center
CCCChicago Cultural Center
CCCChild Care Center
CCCChillagoe Caving Club
CCCChina Christian Council
CCCChina Compulsory Certification
CCCChinese Christian Church
CCCChinese Community Church
CCCChinese Control Conference
CCCChinese Culture Center
CCCChinese Culture Club
CCCChlorine Chemistry Council
CCCChocolate Chip Cookies
CCCChopping Current Control
CCCChrist Church Cranbrook
CCCChristchurch City Council
CCCChristchurch Convention Centre
CCCChristian City Church
CCCChristian Conference Center
CCCChurch Computer Center
CCCCincinnati Car Company
CCCCincinnati Convention Center
CCCCircumscribed Central Composite
CCCCitizen Corps Council
CCCCitizens Communication Center
CCCCitroen Car Club
CCCCitroen Club Cordoba
CCCCitrus County Cruisers
CCCCity Colleges Center
CCCCity Colleges of Chicago
CCCCivil Conservation Corps
CCCClackamas Community College
CCCClark County Code
CCCClassic Car Club
CCCClassic Closet Case
CCCClassical Complement Cascade
CCCClassified Control Clerk
CCCClatsop Community College
CCCClean Cities Coalition
CCCClean Conscience Cleaners
CCCClear Channel Capability
CCCClear Channel Communications
CCCClear Creek County
CCCCleveland Chiropractic College
CCCCleveland Community College
CCCClient Connection Conduit
CCCClimate Change Capital
CCCClimate Change College
CCCClinic Control Center
CCCClinical Care Center
CCCClose Circuit Camera
CCCClosed Cartesian Category
CCCClosed-Loop Control
CCCClub Canin Challandais
CCCClyde Cruising Club
CCCCo-Channel Constraint
CCCCoaching and Consulting for Change
CCCCoahoma Community College
CCCCoastal Coordinating Controller
CCCCoastal Coordination Council
CCCCoca Cola Championship
CCCCoca-Cola Classic
CCCCoffeyville Community College
CCCCognitive Complexity and Control Theory
CCCCollector's Club of Chicago
CCCCollege Composition and Communications
CCCCollege Computing Center
CCCCollegiate Cancer Council
CCCColonial Country Club
CCCColorado Christian Coalition
CCCColorado Climate Center
CCCColorado Correctional Center
CCCColumbia College Chicago
CCCColumbus Chamber of Commerce
CCCCombat Crew Communications
CCCCombinatorics, Computing and Complexity
CCCCombined Command Center
CCCComité contre les Chats
CCCComité de Coordination des Collectivités
CCCCommand Career Counselor
CCCCommand Chief Master Sergeant
CCCCommand and Communication Center
CCCCommand and Control Center
CCCCommand and Control Central
CCCCommand, Control, & Communications
CCCCommander in Chief Command Complex
CCCCommander in Chief Control Center
CCCCommander in Chief Complex
CCCCommercial Carrier Corporation
CCCCommercial Computer Centre
CCCCommercial Computer Centre Pty Ltd
CCCCommission Consultative de Concertation
CCCCommission on Capital Cases
CCCCommittee on Climate Change
CCCCommodity Credit Corporation
CCCCommunication Centrée sur le Client
CCCCommunication pour le Changement de Comportements
CCCCommunication, Command, and Control
CCCCommunications Control Console
CCCCommunications-Computer Committee
CCCCommunity Center Complex
CCCCommunity Christian Church
CCCCommunity Collaborative for Change
CCCCommunity Credit Corporation
CCCCommunity Customs Code
CCCCommunity Cyber Centers
CCCCommunity Cycling Center
CCCCompanies Consolidated Contractors Co
CCCCompaq Computer Corporation
CCCCompetition and Credit Control
CCCComplex Control Center
CCCComposting Council of Canada
CCCComprehensive Cancer Center
CCCCompressor Controls Corporation
CCCCompromised Container Caps
CCCComputational Complexity Conference
CCCComputer Career Center
CCCComputer Career Connection, Inc
CCCComputer Chess Club
CCCComputer Command Carburetor
CCCComputer Controlled Character
CCCComputer Curriculum Corporation
CCCComputers in Cardiology Conference
CCCComputing and Communications Center
CCCConcatenated Convolutional Code
CCCConcentration in Cross Contamination sample
CCCConcerned Citizens Coalition
CCCConference on Computational Complexity
CCCConfiguration Control Committee
CCCConfraternity of Catholic Clergy
CCCCongressional City Conference
CCCConnecticut Community College
CCCConseil Canadien de la Coopération
CCCConseil Cannois de Concertation
CCCConseil Consultatif Constitutionnel
CCCConseil Création Communication
CCCConsolidated Command Center
CCCConsolidated Contractors Company
CCCConsortium of Collective Consciousness
CCCConstant Composition Code
CCCConstant Conditional Correlation
CCCConstitutio Criminalis Carolina
CCCConstitution Convention Commission
CCCConstitution Credentials Committee
CCCConstruction Careers Center
CCCConstructors Car Club
CCCConsulting and Coaching for Change
CCCConsumer Credit Counselors
CCCConsumers Choice Council
CCCConsumers Council of Canada
CCCConsumers' Consultative Council
CCCContaminant Control Cartridge
CCCContemporary China Center
CCCContinental Can Company
CCCContinental Cement Company LLC
CCCContinuing Care Community
CCCContinuity of Care Certification
CCCContinuous Chest Compression
CCCContinuous Curvilinear Capsulorhexis
CCCContra Costa College
CCCContra Costa County
CCCContract Consultants Corporation
CCCControl Center Complex
CCCControlled Current Conveyor
CCCController Checkout Console
CCCConvention on Cybercrime
CCCConvergent Close-coupling
CCCCookeville Camera Club
CCCCool Calm Collective
CCCCool Cats Club
CCCCooper Car Company
CCCCooperation Committee for Cambodia
CCCCoordinated Child Care
CCCCoordinating Council of Cooperatives
CCCCopeland Community Center
CCCCopyright Clearance Center
CCCCoral Cay Conservation
CCCCorgi Collector Club
CCCCoricidin Cough and Cold
CCCCornerstone Community Church
CCCCorning Community College
CCCCornwall County Council
CCCCorporate Citizenship Consulting
CCCCorporate Computer Center
CCCCorporate Customer Care
CCCCorporation Commerciale Canadienne
CCCCorps Computer Centers
CCCCorpus Christi College
CCCCorrelated Computer Code
CCCCorrelator Control Computer
CCCCorriente Clasista y Combativa
CCCCorruption and Crime Commission
CCCCost Category Code
CCCCosta Rica's Call Center
CCCCouncil of Conservative Citizens
CCCCouncillors and Commission Chairs
CCCCounseling and Career Center
CCCCounselling Code of Conduct
CCCCounter Counterfeit Commission
CCCCounter Culture Coffee
CCCCountryside Christian Church
CCCCourse Cost Code
CCCCovenant Coaching Circles
CCCCovenant Community Church
CCCCowiche Canyon Conservancy
CCCCox Customer Care Center
CCCCrackers Comedy Club
CCCCrane Carrier Corporation
CCCCredit Counselors Corporation
CCCCrescent City Classic
CCCCriminal Code of Canada
CCCCrisis Coordination Center
CCCCriteria Continuous Concentration
CCCCritical Coagulant Concentration
CCCCritical Control Circuit
CCCCross Country Canada
CCCCross Cultural Center
CCCCross Cultural Communications
CCCCross-Cultural Communication
CCCCroydon Crown Court
CCCCruise Control Coast
CCCCube Connected Cycles
CCCCullompton Community College
CCCCullompton Cricket Club
CCCCurrent Carrying Capacity
CCCCurricula and Certification Council
CCCCurriculum Coordination Center
CCCCustom Chopper Club
CCCCustomer Call Center
CCCCustomer Care Consultant
CCCCustomer Comment Card
CCCCustomer Competence Center
CCCCustomer Contact Center
CCCCustoms Cooperation Council
CCCCuyahoga Community College
CCCCycle Conservation Club
CCCCynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru
CCCCypress Community College
CCCcoalition coordination cell

This page illustrates how CCC is used in messaging and chat forums, in addition to social networking software like VK, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Snapchat. From the table above, you can view all meanings of CCC: some are educational terms, the other are medical terms, and even computer terms. If you know of another definition of CCC, please contact us. We will include it during next update of our database.

CCC as an Acronym

In summary, CCC is an abbreviation that can stand for various terms depending on the context, and its interpretation can vary across different fields such as technology, business, education, geography, government, law and other specialized areas. If you have more interpretations or meanings for this acronym, we encourage you to contact us and share them, as understanding the diverse uses of abbreviations like CCC helps in better communication and comprehension across various fields.
  • Advantage of Using Acronym CCC
Using CCC as an acronym offers efficiency and brevity, saving time and space in communication while conveying professionalism and expertise within specific industries. The use of acronym acts as memory aids and maintain a consistent tone in documentation.
  • Disadvantage of Using Acronym CCC
Because CCC has multiple meanings, this acronym can be ambiguous, leading to confusion if it is unfamiliar to the audience. Using acronym can also create exclusivity, potentially alienating those not versed in the jargon, and excessive use can reduce clarity.