What does EDC mean?

Are you looking for the meanings of EDC? On the following image, you can see major definitions of EDC. If you want, you can also download image file to print, or you can share it with your friend via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, etc. To see all meanings of EDC, please scroll down. The full list of definitions is shown in the table below in alphabetical order.

Major Meanings of EDC

The following image presents the most commonly used meanings of EDC. You can down the image file in PNG format for offline use or send it to your friends by email. If you are a webmaster of non-commercial website, please feel free to publish the image of EDC definitions on your website.

What does edc stand for

All Definitions of EDC

As mentioned above, you will see all meanings of EDC in the following table. Please know that all definitions are listed in alphabetical order. You can click links on the right to see detailed information of each definition, including definitions in English and your local language.
EDC1-Ethyl-3- carbodiimide
EDCEROS Data Center
EDCEarliest Documented Cover
EDCEarly Display Capability
EDCEarth Day Coalition
EDCEasington District Council
EDCEastern Distribution Center
EDCEastern District Conference
EDCEating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy, & Action
EDCEau de Cologne
EDCEcole des Dirigeants et Créateurs d'Entreprises
EDCEconomia di Comunione
EDCEconomic Development Commission
EDCEconomic Development Conveyance
EDCEconomic Development Corporation
EDCEconomic Development Council
EDCEconomic Dispatch Control
EDCEden District Council
EDCEdgar, Dunn & Company
EDCEdge Design Center
EDCEducation Data Center
EDCEducation Development Center, Inc.
EDCEducation and Development Center
EDCEducation for Democratic Citizenship
EDCEffective Date of Change
EDCEffective Date of Contract
EDCEffective Dielectric Constant
EDCEgyptian Developers Conference
EDCEgyptian Drilling Company
EDCElectric Daisy Carnival
EDCElectric Distribution Center
EDCElectric Distribution Company
EDCElectrical Date Code
EDCElectrical Discharge
EDCElectricidad de Caracas
EDCElectron Devices Conference
EDCElectronic Damper Control
EDCElectronic Data Capture
EDCElectronic Data Confirmation
EDCElectronic Data Control
EDCElectronic Design Center
EDCElectronic Diesel Control
EDCElectronic Digital Computer
EDCElectronic Discharge Laser
EDCElectronic Dispersion Compensation
EDCElectronic Document Coordinator
EDCElectronic Draft Capture
EDCEmergency Decontamination Center
EDCEmployee Dependent Care
EDCEndocrine-Disrupting Compound
EDCEnergy Data Collection Project
EDCEnergy Development Corporation
EDCEnergy Distribution Curve
EDCEngine Driven Compressor
EDCEngineering Data Controller/Change
EDCEngineering Date Code
EDCEngineering Design Center
EDCEngineering Design Centre
EDCEngineering Design Concept
EDCEngineering Design Council
EDCEngineering Documentation Control
EDCEnhanced Data Correction
EDCEnterprise Data Center
EDCEnterprise-Wide Electronic Data Capture
EDCEntertainment Development Council
EDCEnvironmental Data Converter
EDCEnvironmental Dynamics Complexity
EDCEpidermal Differentiation Complex
EDCEquivalent Distillation Capacity
EDCError Detecting Code
EDCError Detection & Correction
EDCError Detection Code
EDCEstimated Date of Completion
EDCEstimated Date of Conception
EDCEstimated Date of Confinement
EDCEstimated Discharge Current
EDCEthylene Dichloride
EDCEuro-Drive Clutches Inc.
EDCEuropean Defense Community
EDCEuropean Design Centre
EDCEuropean Documentation Centre
EDCEuropees Documentatie Centrum
EDCEvery Day Carry
EDCEvery Drop Counts
EDCEveryday Carry
EDCEvonik Degussa Corporation
EDCExecutive Director for Certification
EDCExpect Departure Clearance At ....
EDCExpected Date of Confinement
EDCExpediency Discernment Council
EDCExploratory Development Committee
EDCExport Development Canada
EDCExport Development Corporation
EDCExtension Distribution Center
EDCExtensor Digitorum Communis
EDCExternal Database Coordination
EDCÉchiquier des Collines