What does MACINTOSH mean?

Are you looking for the meanings of MACINTOSH? On the following image, you can see major definitions of MACINTOSH. If you want, you can also download image file to print, or you can share it with your friend via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, etc. To see all meanings of MACINTOSH, please scroll down. The full list of definitions is shown in the table below in alphabetical order.

Major Meanings of MACINTOSH

The following image presents the most commonly used meanings of MACINTOSH. You can down the image file in PNG format for offline use or send it to your friends by email. If you are a webmaster of non-commercial website, please feel free to publish the image of MACINTOSH definitions on your website.

What does macintosh stand for

As previously mentioned, the image associated with the acronym MACINTOSH is formatted in PNG, which stands for Portable Network Graphics. This image has specific dimensions, with a length of 669 pixels and a width of 350 pixels. The file size of the image is approximately 60 kilobytes. This format and size are chosen to ensure that the image maintains high quality while remaining efficient in terms of storage and loading times.
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What does MACINTOSH mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation or slang term. If you find this information useful or interesting, please feel free to share it on your favorite social media platforms.
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If you wish for your visitors to access a comprehensive list of all possible meanings of the acronym MACINTOSH, it is recommended that you incorporate the acronym into your bibliography using proper citation formats.

All Definitions of MACINTOSH

As mentioned above, you will see all meanings of MACINTOSH in the following table. Please know that all definitions are listed in alphabetical order. You can click links on the right to see detailed information of each definition, including definitions in English and your local language.
MACINTOSHAtlantic Mackerel
MACINTOSHChief Machine Accountant
MACINTOSHMachine Address Code
MACINTOSHMachine Aided Cognition
MACINTOSHMagazine Association of Canada
MACINTOSHMagnetic Accelerator Cannon
MACINTOSHMagnetic Anomaly Concealment
MACINTOSHMain Automation Contractor
MACINTOSHMaine Athletic Conference
MACINTOSHMainland Affairs Council
MACINTOSHMainland Aviation College
MACINTOSHMaintaining Arc Consistency
MACINTOSHMaintenance Action Code
MACINTOSHMaintenance Administration Center
MACINTOSHMaintenance Allocation Chart
MACINTOSHMaintenance Availability Computer
MACINTOSHMajor Ambulatory Category
MACINTOSHMajor Area Commander
MACINTOSHMake-Up Art Cosmetics, Inc
MACINTOSHMakiling Airsoft Club
MACINTOSHMaking Arizona Competitive
MACINTOSHManaged Account
MACINTOSHManagement Action Center
MACINTOSHManagement Ad Hoc Committee
MACINTOSHManagement Advisory Committee
MACINTOSHManagement Advisory Council
MACINTOSHManagement and Administrative Computing
MACINTOSHManchester Athletic Club
MACINTOSHMandatory Access Control
MACINTOSHManeuver Area Command
MACINTOSHManhattan Association of Cabarets and Clubs
MACINTOSHManingrida Arts and Culture
MACINTOSHManitoba Action Centre
MACINTOSHManitoba Arts Council
MACINTOSHManually Activated Call point
MACINTOSHManufacturing Advisory Center
MACINTOSHManufacturing Alliance of Connecticut
MACINTOSHMapping and Analysis Center
MACINTOSHMarginal Abatement Cost
MACINTOSHMarine Aquarium Council
MACINTOSHMaritime Area Commander
MACINTOSHMarket Access and Compliance
MACINTOSHMarketing Advisory Committee
MACINTOSHMartial Arts Club
MACINTOSHMaryland Athletic Club
MACINTOSHMasonry Advisory Council
MACINTOSHMass Accelerator Cannon
MACINTOSHMassachusetts Animal Coalition
MACINTOSHMaster Addictions Counselor
MACINTOSHMaster of Accountancy
MACINTOSHMaster of Art Conservation
MACINTOSHMaster of Arts in Counseling
MACINTOSHMaterial Accountability and Control
MACINTOSHMaterial Accounting Center
MACINTOSHMaterial Accumulation Costing
MACINTOSHMaterial Adverse Change
MACINTOSHMateriel Acquisition Command
MACINTOSHMathematics and Computation
MACINTOSHMaximum Acceptable Concentration
MACINTOSHMaximum Adjacent Cut
MACINTOSHMaximum Allowable Charge
MACINTOSHMaximum Allowable Concentration
MACINTOSHMaximum Allowable Cost
MACINTOSHMaximum Amount Contributable
MACINTOSHMaximum Asset Capability
MACINTOSHMcMaster University
MACINTOSHMean Aerodynamic Center
MACINTOSHMean Aerodynamic Chord
MACINTOSHMean Alveolar Concentration
MACINTOSHMeasurement and Analysis Center
MACINTOSHMechanized Assignment and Control
MACINTOSHMedia Access Control
MACINTOSHMedia Access Controller
MACINTOSHMedia, Arts and Culture
MACINTOSHMedicaid Authorization Card
MACINTOSHMedical Advisory Council
MACINTOSHMedical Affirmative Claims
MACINTOSHMedicare Administrative Contractor
MACINTOSHMediterranean Air Command
MACINTOSHMedium Access Control
MACINTOSHMedium Access Controller
MACINTOSHMembers Advisory Committee
MACINTOSHMembership Advisory Council
MACINTOSHMembrane Attack Complex
MACINTOSHMemory Access Controller
MACINTOSHMemory and Aging Center
MACINTOSHMen's Advisory Counsel/Committee
MACINTOSHMessage Authentication Code
MACINTOSHMessage Authentication Control
MACINTOSHMessage Authenticity Check
MACINTOSHMetal Anneal Chamber
MACINTOSHMethanosarcina Acetivorans
MACINTOSHMetropolitan Airports Commission
MACINTOSHMetropolitan Arts Commission
MACINTOSHMichigan Aerospace Corporation
MACINTOSHMichigan Apple Committee
MACINTOSHMichigan Association of Counties
MACINTOSHMicromechanics Analysis Code
MACINTOSHMid America Corvette
MACINTOSHMid-America Conference
MACINTOSHMid-American Conference
MACINTOSHMid-Arm Muscle Circumference
MACINTOSHMid-Atlantic Center for the Arts
MACINTOSHMid-Atlantic Championship
MACINTOSHMid-Atlantic Collegiate
MACINTOSHMid-Atlantic Crossing
MACINTOSHMiddle America Cox
MACINTOSHMidtown Athletic Club
MACINTOSHMidwest Airlines Center
MACINTOSHMidwest Archives Conference
MACINTOSHMidwest CHP Application Center
MACINTOSHMigration Authorisation Code
MACINTOSHMilestone Achievement Certificate
MACINTOSHMilitary Affairs Council
MACINTOSHMilitary Airlift Command
MACINTOSHMilitary Armament Corporation
MACINTOSHMilitary Assistance Command
MACINTOSHMine Action Center
MACINTOSHMineral Area College
MACINTOSHMineralogical Association of Canada
MACINTOSHMines Action Canada
MACINTOSHMinimal Antibiotic Concentration
MACINTOSHMinimum Alveolar Concentration
MACINTOSHMinimum Annual Commitment
MACINTOSHMining Association of Canada
MACINTOSHMinister’s Approval Certificate
MACINTOSHMinistry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
MACINTOSHMinneola Alliance Church
MACINTOSHMinnesota Annual Conference
MACINTOSHMission Assignment Coordinator
MACINTOSHMission Assurance Category
MACINTOSHMississauga Arts Council
MACINTOSHMississippi Association of Cooperatives
MACINTOSHMissouri Arts Council
MACINTOSHMitral Annular Calcification
MACINTOSHMixed Armistice Commission
MACINTOSHMobile Action Command
MACINTOSHMobile Air Conditioner
MACINTOSHMobile Attack Cuisine
MACINTOSHMobile Attenuation Code
MACINTOSHMobility Augmentation Company
MACINTOSHModal Assurance Criterion
MACINTOSHModern Arab Contractors
MACINTOSHModular Amplification Card
MACINTOSHMoney Access Center
MACINTOSHMonitored Anaesthesia Care
MACINTOSHMonitored Anesthesia Care
MACINTOSHMontana Agricultural College
MACINTOSHMontessori Australia Council
MACINTOSHMonths After Contract
MACINTOSHMoore Action Collectibles
MACINTOSHMortuary Affairs Coordinator
MACINTOSHMoselle Alpine Club
MACINTOSHMothers Against Canada
MACINTOSHMothers Against Circumcision
MACINTOSHMountain Athletic Conference
MACINTOSHMouse Activated Computer
MACINTOSHMove, Add, Change
MACINTOSHMoves, Adds, and Changes
MACINTOSHMovimento Anti-Comunista
MACINTOSHMulti Access Controller
MACINTOSHMulti Aircraft Control
MACINTOSHMulti Asset Class
MACINTOSHMulti Axis Controller
MACINTOSHMulti-Agency Coordinating Entity
MACINTOSHMulti-Sensor Air Campaign
MACINTOSHMulti-Static Active Coherent
MACINTOSHMulticultural Advisory Committee
MACINTOSHMulticultural Awareness Council
MACINTOSHMultifiber Array Connector
MACINTOSHMultiphase Atmospheric Chemistry
MACINTOSHMultiple Access
MACINTOSHMultiple Access Communications Limited
MACINTOSHMultiple Access Contract
MACINTOSHMultiple Analog Component
MACINTOSHMultiple Architecture Computer
MACINTOSHMultiple Array Correlation
MACINTOSHMultiple Award Contracts
MACINTOSHMultiple-Access Computing
MACINTOSHMultiplexed Analogue Components
MACINTOSHMultiplier Accumulator Chip
MACINTOSHMultiplying Accumulator
MACINTOSHMultipurpose Activity Center
MACINTOSHMultiservice Access Concentrator
MACINTOSHMultnomah Arts Center
MACINTOSHMunich Airport Center
MACINTOSHMunicipal Advisory Council
MACINTOSHMunicipal Amateur Coordinator
MACINTOSHMunicipal Assistance Corporation
MACINTOSHMunitions Assembly Conveyor
MACINTOSHMuseu da Arte Contemporânea
MACINTOSHMusical Arts Center
MACINTOSHMuslim Association of Canada
MACINTOSHMustang Athletic Complex
MACINTOSHMycobacterium Avium Complex

This page illustrates how MACINTOSH is used in messaging and chat forums, in addition to social networking software like VK, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Snapchat. From the table above, you can view all meanings of MACINTOSH: some are educational terms, the other are medical terms, and even computer terms. If you know of another definition of MACINTOSH, please contact us. We will include it during next update of our database.

MACINTOSH as an Acronym

In summary, MACINTOSH is an abbreviation that can stand for various terms depending on the context, and its interpretation can vary across different fields such as technology, business, education, geography, government, law and other specialized areas. If you have more interpretations or meanings for this acronym, we encourage you to contact us and share them, as understanding the diverse uses of abbreviations like MACINTOSH helps in better communication and comprehension across various fields.
  • Advantage of Using Acronym MACINTOSH
Using MACINTOSH as an acronym offers efficiency and brevity, saving time and space in communication while conveying professionalism and expertise within specific industries. The use of acronym acts as memory aids and maintain a consistent tone in documentation.
  • Disadvantage of Using Acronym MACINTOSH
Because MACINTOSH has multiple meanings, this acronym can be ambiguous, leading to confusion if it is unfamiliar to the audience. Using acronym can also create exclusivity, potentially alienating those not versed in the jargon, and excessive use can reduce clarity.