What does PMC mean?

Are you looking for the meanings of PMC? On the following image, you can see major definitions of PMC. If you want, you can also download image file to print, or you can share it with your friend via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, etc. To see all meanings of PMC, please scroll down. The full list of definitions is shown in the table below in alphabetical order.

Major Meanings of PMC

The following image presents the most commonly used meanings of PMC. You can down the image file in PNG format for offline use or send it to your friends by email. If you are a webmaster of non-commercial website, please feel free to publish the image of PMC definitions on your website.

What does pmc stand for

As previously mentioned, the image associated with the acronym PMC is formatted in PNG, which stands for Portable Network Graphics. This image has specific dimensions, with a length of 669 pixels and a width of 350 pixels. The file size of the image is approximately 60 kilobytes. This format and size are chosen to ensure that the image maintains high quality while remaining efficient in terms of storage and loading times.
  • Citation as a Visitor
What does PMC mean? This page is about the various possible meanings of the acronym, abbreviation or slang term. If you find this information useful or interesting, please feel free to share it on your favorite social media platforms.
  • Citation as a Webmaster
If you wish for your visitors to access a comprehensive list of all possible meanings of the acronym PMC, it is recommended that you incorporate the acronym into your bibliography using proper citation formats.

All Definitions of PMC

As mentioned above, you will see all meanings of PMC in the following table. Please know that all definitions are listed in alphabetical order. You can click links on the right to see detailed information of each definition, including definitions in English and your local language.
PMCCaracas Metropolitan Police
PMCChief Patternmaker
PMCPCI Mezzanine Card
PMCPacific Marine Center
PMCPacific Municipal Consultants
PMCPacket Mode Channel
PMCPain Management Center
PMCPalestine Media Center
PMCPan-Massachusetts Challenge
PMCPaper Machine Clothing
PMCParallel Model Combination
PMCParamyotonia Congenita of Von Eulenburg
PMCParents of Murdered Children
PMCPart Mission Capable
PMCParticipant Management Committee
PMCParticulate Materials Center
PMCPartner Membership Center
PMCPast Master Councilor
PMCPediatric Medical Center
PMCPeoples Medical College
PMCPercent Modern Carbon
PMCPercussion Marketing Council
PMCPerfect Magnetic Conductor
PMCPermanent Managing Conservatorship
PMCPermanent Mandates Commission
PMCPermanently Manned Capability
PMCPermanently Manned Configuration
PMCPersian Media Corporation
PMCPersian Music Center
PMCPersian Music Channel
PMCPersonal Mobile Communicator
PMCPersonalized Medicine Coalition
PMCPersonnel Mobilization Center
PMCPersonnel Monitoring Center
PMCPesticide Management Commission
PMCPhantom Maintenance Connector
PMCPhilippine Manufacturing Company
PMCPhosphite Manufacturers Consortium
PMCPhysical Modeling Consortium
PMCPierson Medical Center
PMCPine Manor College
PMCPioneer Memorial Church
PMCPlanning Ministers Council
PMCPlant Materials Center
PMCPlant Modeling Consortium
PMCPlastic & Metal Center Inc
PMCPlatform Management Center
PMCPlaymore Corporation
PMCPointwise Multigroup Converter
PMCPolar Mesospheric Clouds
PMCPole Maintenance Company, LLC
PMCPolicía Municipal Comunitaria
PMCPolitical Media Consultant
PMCPolyimide Matrix Composite
PMCPolymer Matrix Composite
PMCPolymer and Materials Chemistry
PMCPoor Man's Copyright
PMCPort Management Card
PMCPortable Media Center
PMCPortneuf Medical Center
PMCPost Ministerial Conference
PMCPost-Manufacturing Checkout
PMCPower Management Control
PMCPower Management Controller
PMCPower Meter Channel
PMCPower Modulator Conference
PMCPre Med Club
PMCPre-Maintenance Check
PMCPrecious Metal Clay
PMCPrecious Metals Code
PMCPremium Mission Critical
PMCPreparata Metze Chien
PMCPresident of the Mess Commitee
PMCPresident's Management Council
PMCPresidential Memorial Certificate
PMCPressure-Modulator Cell
PMCPreventive Maintenance Center
PMCPrimary Mission Capable
PMCPrime Mission Contract/Contractor
PMCPrincipauté de Monte Carlo
PMCPrint Management Control
PMCPrivate Media Company
PMCPrivate Military Company
PMCPrivate Military Contractor
PMCProactive Monitoring Center
PMCProcess Modelling Component
PMCProcurement Management Council
PMCProcurement Method Code
PMCProcurement, Marine Corps
PMCProduct Market Combination
PMCProduction Technology Management Committee
PMCProducts Management Committee
PMCProfessional Military Course
PMCProgram Management Center
PMCProgram Management Charter
PMCProgram Management Committee
PMCProgram Management Control
PMCProgram Management Council
PMCProgram/Project Management Council
PMCProgram/Project Management Course
PMCProgrammable Machine Controller
PMCProgrammable Metallization Cell
PMCProject Management Certificate
PMCProject Management Consultancy
PMCProject Management Contract
PMCProject Management Contractor
PMCProject Management Cost
PMCProject Monitoring and Control
PMCProjects Management Centre
PMCProperty Management Company
PMCPseudo Machine Code
PMCPseudomembranous Colitis
PMCPubMed Central
PMCPublic Mobile Carrier
PMCPuerto Montt, Chile - Tepual
PMCPuffin Modern Classics
PMCPune Municipal Corporation
PMCPunjab Medical College
PMCparallel multiunit circle
PMCpartial mission-capable

This page illustrates how PMC is used in messaging and chat forums, in addition to social networking software like VK, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Snapchat. From the table above, you can view all meanings of PMC: some are educational terms, the other are medical terms, and even computer terms. If you know of another definition of PMC, please contact us. We will include it during next update of our database.

PMC as an Acronym

In summary, PMC is an abbreviation that can stand for various terms depending on the context, and its interpretation can vary across different fields such as technology, business, education, geography, government, law and other specialized areas. If you have more interpretations or meanings for this acronym, we encourage you to contact us and share them, as understanding the diverse uses of abbreviations like PMC helps in better communication and comprehension across various fields.
  • Advantage of Using Acronym PMC
Using PMC as an acronym offers efficiency and brevity, saving time and space in communication while conveying professionalism and expertise within specific industries. The use of acronym acts as memory aids and maintain a consistent tone in documentation.
  • Disadvantage of Using Acronym PMC
Because PMC has multiple meanings, this acronym can be ambiguous, leading to confusion if it is unfamiliar to the audience. Using acronym can also create exclusivity, potentially alienating those not versed in the jargon, and excessive use can reduce clarity.