Iraq Abbreviations

IQ is the abbreviation for Iraq, the 58th largest country in the world. Officially the Republic of Iraq, Iraq is a country located in Middle East (Western Asia), bordering 6 countries – Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Turkey. Baghdad is the capital city of Iraq. Top 10 biggest cities are Baghdad (population: 7,216,011), Basra (population: 2,600,011), Mosul (population: 1,739,789), Erbil (population: 932,789), Abu Ghraib (population: 900,011), Sulaymaniyah (population: 723,159), Kirkuk (population: 601,422), Najaf (population: 482,575), Karbala (population: 434,439), and Nasiriyah (population: 400,238).

Country Profile

  • Capital: Baghdad
  • Language: Arabic, Kurdish
  • Area: 437,072 km2
  • Population: 37,202,561
  • Currency: Iraqi dinar (IQD)
  • Time zone: UTC+3
  • Calling code: 964
  • ISO 2-Letter Abbreviation: IQ
  • UN 3-Letter Abbreviation: IRQ
  • Internet TLD: .iq
  • State Government Website:

Map of Iraq

List of Iraq Acronyms

The most commonly used abbreviations about Iraq are IQ which stands for Iraq and IQD which means Iraqi dinar (Iraq currency). In the following table, you can see all acronyms related to Iraq, including abbreviations for airport, city, school, port, government, and etc.

IQ: Iraq

Acronym Meaning
AIK Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait
ASA Agremiação Sportiva Arapiraquense
AUI Alianza Unida Iraquí
AQI Al-Qaeda in Iraq
AFNI American Forces Network, Iraq
AISG American Iraqi Solutions Group
AAEI Americans Against Escalation in Iraq
AAWWI Americans Against War With Iraq
AIF Anti-Iraqi Forces
AMSI Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq
SDA Baghdad, Iraq-Saddam International Airport
BSR Basra Iraq International Airport
BISI British Institute for the Study of Iraq
BSAI British School of Archaeology in Iraq
CBI Central Bank of Iraq
CCCI Central Criminal Court of Iraq
CIMS Central Iraq Microwave System
CAWI Chicagoans Against War on Iraq
CAWI Coalition Against War in Iraq
CIAV Coalition for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans
DOI Daughters of Iraq
DPIN Democratic Party of the Iraqi Nation
DFI Development Fund for Iraq
EPIC Education for Peace in Iraq Center
FIF Free Iraqi Forces
FOIP Future of Iraq Project
GFWCUI General Federation of Workers Councils and Unions in Iraq
GUSI General Union of Students in Iraq
GOI Government of Iraq
GIA Greater Iraqi Army
GIX Gulf Iraqi Expo
IAMB International Advisory and Monitoring Board for Iraq
IACIS International Association of Contemporary Iraqi Studies
ICFI International Committee for a Free Iraq
IRRFI International Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq
IIF Investors Iraq Forum
IRQ Iraq
IZ Iraq
IQ Iraq
IAC Iraq Action Coalition
IAVA Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
IBC Iraq Body Count
ICM Iraq Campaign Medal
ICB Iraq Central Bank
ICCC Iraq Coalition Casualty Count
ICARC Iraq Compact Annual Review Conference
ICHP Iraq Cultural Heritage Project
IFDD Iraq Foundation for Development and Democracy
IFC Iraq Freedom Congress
IFF Iraq Freedom Fund
ILA Iraq Liberation Act of 1998
IMF Iraq Memory Foundation
IMOO Iraq Ministry of Oil
IMNF Iraq Multi-National Force
INOC Iraq National Oil Company
INVO Iraq Nuclear Verification Office
IOW Iraq Occupation Watch
IPC Iraq Petroleum Company
IREP Iraq Reconstruction and Employment Program
IRMO Iraq Reconstruction Management Office
IRMS Iraq Reconstruction Management System
IROC Iraq Reconstruction Operations Center
IRDP Iraq Research and Documentation Project
ISAM Iraq Security Assistance Mission
ISBFF Iraq Small Business Finance Facility
ISG Iraq Study Group
ISG Iraq Survey Group
ITM Iraq The Model
ITAM Iraq Training and Advisory Mission
ITAO Iraq Transition Assistance Office
IWP Iraq Water Project
IWV Iraq Without Violence
IAF Iraqi Accord Front
IAG Iraqi Advisory Group
IQAF Iraqi Air Force
IA Iraqi Airways
AIW Iraqi Airways
IARS Iraqi Amateur Radio Society
IACCI Iraqi American Chamber of Commerce and Industry
IAF Iraqi Armed Forces
IAD Iraqi Army Division
IAC Iraqi Assistance Center
IAEO Iraqi Atomic Energy Organization
ICDC Iraqi Civil Defense Corps
ICP Iraqi Civilian Police
ICP Iraqi Communist Party
ICOP Iraqi Community Organization Program
ICBG Iraqi Company for Bank Guarantees
ICF Iraqi Concord Front
ICTF Iraqi Counter Terrorist Forces
ICTC Iraqi Counter-Terrorist Command
ID Iraqi Dinar
IQD Iraqi Dinar
IFTU Iraqi Federation of Workers’ Trade Unions
IFD Iraqi Forum for Democracy
IFV Iraqi Freedom Veteran
IGRS Iraqi Geospatial Reference System
IGC Iraqi Governing Council
IHP Iraqi Highway Patrol
IIS Iraqi Intelligence Service
IIG Iraqi Interim Government
IICSI Iraqi International Center for Science and Industry
IIF Iraqi Intervention Forces
IIP Iraqi Islamic Party
IIRC Iraqi Islamic Reconciliation Conference
IJF Iraqi Joint Forces
IJU Iraqi Journalists’ Union
IKDP Iraqi Kurdish Democratic Party
IMOS Iraqi Marshlands Observation System
IMN Iraqi Media Network
IMSG Iraqi Media Safety Group
INCBD Iraqi National Centre for Blood Donation
INC Iraqi National Congress
INCSF Iraqi National Congress Support Foundation
INCD Iraqi National Council for Dialogue
INDC Iraqi National Dialogue Council
ING Iraqi National Guard
INIS Iraqi National Intelligence Service
INNA Iraqi National News Agency
INP Iraqi National Police
INSO Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra
INTP Iraqi National Turkoman Party
INA Iraqi News Agency
IOTC Iraqi Oil Tanker Company
IOC Iraqi Olympic Committee
IP Iraqi Police
IPA Iraqi Police Advisor
IPF Iraqi Police Force
IPLO Iraqi Police Liaison Officer
IPS Iraqi Police Services
IPCC Iraqi Property Claims Commission
IPRF Iraqi Property Reconciliation Facility
IRCO Iraqi Red Crescent Organization
IRG Iraqi Republican Guard
IRMO Iraqi Revolutionary Maoist Organization
ISF Iraqi Security Force
ISOF Iraqi Special Operations Forces
ISWCS Iraqi Special Warfare Center and School
ISX Iraqi Stock Exchange
ITPC Iraqi Telecommunications and Post Company
ITO Iraqi Theater of Operations
ITB Iraqi Training Brigade
ITG Iraqi Transitional Government
ITF Iraqi Turkoman Front
IUJ Iraqi Union of Journalists
IYLEP Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program
IBIZ Iraqi-Based Industrial Zone
IBCOC Iraqi-British Chamber of Commerce
IY Iraq-Saudi Arabian Neutral Zone
IAI Islamic Army in Iraq
ISI Islamic State of Iraq
ISCI Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq
JCCIA Joint Contracting Command Iraq/Afghanistan
JISC Joint Iraqi Security Company
KICC Kuwait Iraq C4 Commercialization
LCSWI Louisville Committee to Stop the War in Iraq
MCFI Multinational Coalition Forces Iraq
MNCI Multi-National Corps Iraq
MNFI Multi-National Forces Iraq
NINA National Iraqi News Agency
NSVI National Strategy for Victory in Iraq
NIA New Iraqi Army
NID New Iraqi Dinar
NCCI NGO Coordination Center in Iraq
OIP Office of the Iraq Programme
OIF Operation Iraqi Freedom
OIF-OEF Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom
OOIBC Out of Iraq Bloggers Caucus
PHCI Philippine Humanitarian Contingent to Iraq
PIC Provincial Iraqi Control
RIRP Rebuild Iraq Recruitment Program
RIO Restore Iraqi Oil
SAI Sahawa al Iraq
SIAP Security in Iraq Accountability Panel
SOI Sons of Iraq
SIGIR Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction
SCRIP Students and Clinicians for Relief of the Iraqi People
SOFIA Support Our Friends in Iraq and Afghanistan
SICTS Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal
SICI Supreme Islamic Council of Iraq
SIIC Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council
TF-RIE Task Force-Restore Iraqi Electricity
TRIAD Texas Resources for Iraq-Afghanistan Deployment
TBI Trade Bank of Iraq
UIC Unified Iraqi Coalition
UUI Union of Unemployed in Iraq
UIA United Iraqi Alliance
UNIKOM United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission
UNOHCI United Nations Office of the Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq
USFI United States Forces-Iraq
VOI Voice of Iraq
WHIG White House Iraq Group
WCPI Worker Communist Party of Iraq
WCUI Workers Councils and Unions in Iraq
WTI World Tribunal on Iraq



Through Iraq, which is slightly larger than Norway, the large rivers Euphrates and Tigris flow. The area was formerly called Mesopotamia – the land between the rivers. The river plains are fertile and most of the Iraqi population lives in this area. In the northeast, on the border with Turkey and Iran, lies the mountainous part of the country, called the Zagros Mountains. This is where Iraq’s oil is. More than half of the country’s southeastern areas are desert. Iraq has a short coastline, just two miles long, in the Persian Gulf.

The climate is dry. Drought in the summer and little rain in the winter is typical. In the mountainous regions northeast of the country there may be snow in winter, but otherwise the average temperature is 35 degrees in the middle of summer.

Lack of water is a huge problem in Iraq. The authorities have tried to solve this by demining areas, but it has resulted in drying out of marsh areas and smaller rivers. The damage of this has caused a shortage of drinking water, extinction of animal species, salting of the soil, erosion and deterioration.


From over 5,000 years before our time, Iraq has been the core of history’s first civilizations and a number of empires, such as Sumer, Babylonia and Assyria. In 1258 the country was occupied and destroyed by the Mongols, and from 1534 it was subject to the Ottoman Empire. Iraq as a state was first formed when Britain took control of the area after the First World War. The country was created through a merger of three provinces from the Ottoman Empire – Basra, Baghdad and Mosul. Iraq first became independent in 1932.

  • See lawfaqs for Iraq history timeline.

Until the Arab Nationalist Baath Party took power in 1968, the country went through a turbulent period with several coups. In 1979, Saddam Hussein took over the leadership of the Baath Party, became the country’s dictator, and led the country to war with Iran in the period 1980-1988. In 1990, Iraq attempted to annex Kuwait, but was chased back by a US-led military operation. As a result, the Kurdish minority in northern Iraq gained considerable autonomy, after suffering extreme repression in the previous years.

In 2003, the Saddam Hussein regime was overthrown as a result of a US-led invasion of the country. This led to a rebellion against the US occupation forces and the new regime. Sunni Muslims were marginalized by the new Shiite-dominated regime, which contributed to the flourishing of Sunni Islamist extremism and the establishment of the Islamic State (IS) in 2014.

Society and politics

In early 2005, the first free elections of 50 years were held in Iraq. The Shiite and Kurdish parties won the majority of votes. The Sunni Muslims who formerly sat with all the power lost much of their political influence. Despite the new government being deployed, the country has been characterized by war and terror.

Before the war against Iran in 1980, Iraq had one of the best welfare systems in the Middle East. The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait led to international sanctions against the country, which hit the population hard. Because of war and unrest since 2003, living conditions are difficult today. Corruption is widespread, and there is a lack of basic services such as water and electricity.

Iraq is one of the most populous of the Arab states, and more ethnically and culturally composed than other countries in the region. The Kurds make up up to a quarter of the population and have autonomy in northern Iraq. The Arabs are divided between Sunnis and Shias, where the Shias constitute a majority of ca. 60-65 percent.

In recent years there has been an increase in the number of people fleeing Iraq. Of the more than 5.8 million Iraqis who have fled their homes since 2014, more than two million are still on the run, according to the Refugee Council (2018).

Economics and Commerce

Iraq is resourceful with the world’s second-largest oil and gas deposits – and is therefore of great strategic importance.

Iraq was traditionally an agricultural community, but today it is dependent on food imports. Since the 1950s, the country’s economy has been largely dominated by the oil sector, which has traditionally accounted for 95 per cent of export earnings. However, all the years of war and economic sanctions have drastically reduced Iraq’s economic activities. Direct attacks on, and destruction of, oil pipelines and infrastructure have put the country far back. Iraq has also incurred a large foreign debt and is dependent on assistance.

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