Meaning of ATT

What is ATT?

Att is an abbreviation of the English word “attention”.

It corresponds to the abbreviation “A / C” (to the care of) that is written in documents or orders whose intended recipient is to be specified.
It is very frequent in formal emails that the use of the final greeting “Sincerely” is also reduced to the abbreviation “Att”.

This expression is usually written before the signature, as a way of closing the message delicately and politely.

However, the reduced form of the expression “Best regards” is, by convention, accepted as “At.te” rather than “Att” as is usually written.

Some style guides, however, recommend that the most delicate and elegant way to finalize a message is to write the term “Sincerely” in its full form, without making use of the abbreviated word.

It should be noted that the “Attention” form used in English-speaking countries to specify the recipient of the message is correctly abbreviated as “Attn:” (without forgetting the colon).

In some cases the abbreviations “FTAO” (For The Attention Of) or simply “FAO” (For Attention Of) are also verified.

In English, att may also be the abbreviation for attached (“attached”) or attorney (“lawyer”).

Other Meanings of ATT

Acronym Definition
ATT ASEAN Travel and Tours
ATT Access to Technologies
ATT Acoustic Target Tracker
ATT Advanced Tank Technologies
ATT Advanced Technologies and Travel
ATT Advanced Testing Technology
ATT Advanced Theater Transport
ATT Advanced Tilting Train
ATT Advanced Training Technologies
ATT Advanced Transport Technology
ATT Advanced Transportation Technologies
ATT Advanced Tree Technology
ATT Aegis Test Team
ATT Aerosol Transport Test
ATT Agents in Traffic and Transportation
ATT Air Tightness Testing
ATT Air Touch-Teletrac
ATT Aircraft Total Time
ATT All The Time
ATT All Thrust Termination
ATT Alt Toys Transformers
ATT Alternative to Transplant
ATT American Telephone and Telegraph, Inc.
ATT American Tobacco Trail
ATT American Top Tools
ATT Ammonia Tolerance Test
ATT Anaerobic Treatment Technology
ATT Anterior Tibial Translation
ATT Anti-Theft Technology
ATT Anti-Torpedo Torpedo
ATT Antitetanus Toxoid
ATT Antithrombotic Trialists’
ATT Applied Transmission Technologies
ATT Apprentice Technical Training
ATT Armored Troop Transport
ATT Army Training Test
ATT Army Transformation Team
ATT Assembly Task Team
ATT Associated Talmud Torahs
ATT Association of Taxation Technicians
ATT Asynchronous Thread Termination
ATT At This Time
ATT Atentamente
ATT Athletic Therapy Today
ATT Attached
ATT Attard
ATT Attention
ATT Attenuator
ATT Attic
ATT Attitude
ATT Attitude Retention System
ATT Attorney
ATT Authorization to Tool
ATT Authorization to Transport
ATT Automatic Tank Target
ATT Automatic Target Tracking
ATT Automatic Toll Ticketing
ATT Automatic Trunk Test
ATT Automatic Trunk Testing
ATT Automatic Turbine Testing
ATT Average Talk Time
ATT assign terminal type