Meaning of CCCP

CCCP is the abbreviation of the Russian Союз Советских Социалистических Республик and that is translated to Portuguese as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or simply the USSR.

What Does CCCP Stand for

The symbol was used on uniforms official sports competitions, in addition to cultural events and technological in which there was the participation of the Soviet Union. This began to emerge in sporting disputes from the 1950s. In 1958 he debuted in the World Cup and finished the competition in fourth place. Two years later they won one of the most important tournaments: the European cup of 1960.

The acronym CCCP, which was emblazoned on the shirts of the players garrafal (on the left side of the chest), he remained until the year of 1986. Today, the call shirt by soviet is an object of desire on the part of collectors who prefer the model the red, including the uniform of the goalkeeper Lev Yashin who was one of the biggest stars soviet.

Both the acronym and the soviet flag have become quite well-known in the whole world. Is to have the background color red, which symbolizes communism, the hammer crossed with a sickle that refer to the industrial workers of the country and, respectively, the farmers; there is also the red star which is an allusion to the domain of the Communist Party and below the letters CCCP.

Even after the end of the Soviet Union, the president of Russia Vladimir Putin decided to resume the use of the acronym and the symbol, in addition to the anthem of the soviet as a symbol of the Russian army.

On the other hand, CCCP is also the abbreviation for the chemical Carbonilcianeto m-chlorophenyl-hidrazona which is a nitrile belonging to the class of organic compounds and which has the function to inhibit the oxidative phosphorylation.

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