Pakistan Abbreviations

PK is the abbreviation for Pakistan, the 33rd largest country in the world. Officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Pakistan is a country located in South Asia, bordering 4 countries – Afghanistan, China, India, and Iran. Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan. Major cities include Karachi (population: 11,624,208), Lahore (population: 6,310,877), Faisalabad (population: 2,506,584), Rawalpindi (population: 1,743,090), Multan (population: 1,437,219), Hyderābād (population: 1,386,319), Gujranwala (population: 1,384,460), Peshawar (population: 1,218,762), Rahim Yar Khan (population: 788,904), and Quetta (population: 733,664).

Country Profile

  • Capital: Islamabad
  • Language: English, Urdu
  • Area: 881,913 km2
  • Population: 212,742,620
  • Currency: Pakistani rupee (₨) (PKR)
  • Time zone: UTC+5
  • Calling code: 92
  • ISO 2-Letter Abbreviation: PK
  • UN 3-Letter Abbreviation: PAK
  • Internet TLD: .pk
  • State Government Website:

Map of Pakistan

List of Pakistan Acronyms

The most commonly used abbreviations about Pakistan are PK which stands for Pakistan and PKR which means Pakistani rupee (Pakistan currency). In the following table, you can see all acronyms related to Pakistan, including abbreviations for airport, city, school, port, government, and etc.

PK: Pakistan

Abbreviation Meaning
AGPR Accountant General Pakistan Revenue
AFP Adventure Foundation of Pakistan
ATP Adventure Tours Pakistan
ADBP Agriculture Development Bank of Pakistan
ATCOP Al Technique Corporation of Pakistan
APCMA All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Association
APGSTA All Pakistan Government School Teachers Associations
APHA All Pakistan Homeopaths Association
APMSO All Pakistan Mohajir Students Organization
APMSO All Pakistan Muttahida Students Organization
APNS All Pakistan Newspapers Society
APNA All Pakistan Nurses Association
APPLA All Pakistan Power Looms Association
APPLA All Pakistan Professors and Lecturers’ Association
APTBA All Pakistan Tax Bar Association
APTMA All Pakistan Textile Mills Association
APWA All Pakistan Women’s Association
ATP All Things Pakistan
ADBP Allied Bank of Pakistan
ACIL Al-Murtaza Cotton Industries Limited (Pakistan)
ACP Alpine Club of Pakistan
APF American Pakistan Foundation
ACP Arts Council of Pakistan
APPENDIX Associated Press of Pakistan
APP Associated Press of Pakistan
AMEP Association for Medical Education in Pakistan
AOPP Association of Pakistani Professionals
APSENA Association of Pakistani Scientists and Engineers of North America
BCCP Board of Cricket Control Pakistan
BFPS Bright Future Pakistani School
CNIP Center for National Interest of Pakistan
CDC Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited
CSS Central Superior Services of Pakistan
CJP Chief Justice of Pakistan
CPSP College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan
CSA COMMECS School of Accountancy (Pakistan)
CPLP Community for Promotion of Linux in Pakistan
CSP Computer Society of Pakistan
CUST COMSATS University of Science and Technology (Pakistan)
CUSTOMER COMSATS University of Science and Technology (Pakistan)
CRCP Consumer Rights Commission of Pakistan
CECOS Continental Electronics and Communication Systems Limited (Pakistan)
DFPF Drug Free Pakistan Foundation
EPR East Pakistan Rifles
ECP Election Commission of Pakistan
ESUP English Speaking Union of Pakistan
FSDP FATA Sustainable Development Plan (Pakistan)
FPCC Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce
FPCCI Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry
FFFP Fellowship Fund for Pakistan
FPFO Finnish Pakistani Friendship Organisation
FTIP Foreign Trade Institute of Pakistan
FPL Forte Pakistan Ltd.
FPO Forum of Pakistan Ombudsman
FOSSFP Free and Open Source Software Foundation of Pakistan
GSP Geological Survey of Pakistan
GOP Government of Pakistan
GWD Gwadar, Pakistan
HMC Heavy Mechanical Complex Ltd. (Taxila, Pakistan)
HMPS His/Her Majesty’s Pakistan Ship
HRCP Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
HDIP Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan
IPFC India Pakistan Friendship Club
IPTU India Pakistan Trade Unit
IPCCI India-Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry
IDBP Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan
IAP Institute of Architects Pakistan
IBP Institute of Bankers of Pakistan
ICAP Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan
ICMAP Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan
ICMAP Institute of Cost and Management Accounts of Pakistan
IEP Institute of Engineers Pakistan
IEEEP Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Pakistan
IAP Insurance Association of Pakistan
IPAP Intellectual Property Academy of Pakistan
IPBC Ireland-Pakistan Business Council
ISB Islamabad, Pakistan – International
IRP Islamic Republic of Pakistan
IROP Islamic Republic of Pakistan
JIP Jamaat-e-Islami-e-Pakistan
JUP Jamiat Ulema-I-Pakistan
JPMA Journal of Pakistan Medical Association
KHI Karachi, Pakistan – Karachi
KBP Kissan Board of Pakistan
KMSP Knowledge Management Society of Pakistan
LRH Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan
LHE Lahore, Pakistan – Lahore
LJCP Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan
LBAT LUMS Bachelor Admission Test (Lahore, Pakistan)
MPML Manual of Pakistan Military Law
MAP Marketing Association of Pakistan
MAPER Marketing Association of Pakistan
MUX Multan, Pakistan
NBPA National Bank of Pakistan
NBP National Bank of Pakistan
NESPAK National Engineering Services Pakistan Pvt Limited
NICOP National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis
NUPSA National Union of Pakistani Students and Alumni
NRP Non Resident Pakistani
OTH One Tree Hill Limited (Lahore, Pakistan)
OUTPERFORM Overseas Pakistanis Foundation
OPF Overseas Pakistanis Foundation
PUMPKIN Pakistan
PK Pakistan
PAK Pakistan
PAS Pakistan Academy of Sciences
PAA Pakistan Advertising Association
PAC Pakistan Aeronautical Complex
PARC Pakistan Agricultural Research Council
PASSCO Pakistan Agricultural Storage & Supplies Corporation
PAF Pakistan Air Force
PAFWA Pakistan Air Force Women’s Association
PABA Pakistan American Business Association
PACC Pakistan American Cultural Center
PADF Pakistan American Democratic Forum
PASB Pakistan Armed Services Board
PA Pakistan Army
PACSS Pakistan Association of Cricket Statisticians and Scorers
PAGT Pakistan Association of Golden Triangle
PAGB Pakistan Association of Greater Boston
PAEC Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
PARR Pakistan Atomic Research Reactor
PACO Pakistan Automobile Corporation Ltd
PAT Pakistan Awami Tehrik
PBC Pakistan Banking Council
PBC Pakistan Bar Council
PBEA Pakistan Bedwear Exporters Association
PBSA Pakistan Billiards and Snooker Association
PBP Pakistan Border Patrol
PBS Pakistan Botanical Society
PBSA Pakistan Boy Scout Association
PBC Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation
PBE Pakistan Broadcasting Experience
PCRA Pakistan Cave Research Association
PCCC Pakistan Central Cotton Committee
PCP Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy
PCCI Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry
PCC Pakistan Christian Congress
PCLA Pakistan Christian Lawyer Association
PCG Pakistan Coast Guards
PCTA Pakistan Commodity Traders Association
PCB Pakistan Computer Bureau
PCDC Pakistan Corporate Development Centre
PCSIR Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
PACRA Pakistan Credit Rating Agency
PCB Pakistan Cricket Board
PCCB Pakistan Cricket Control Board
PACCS Pakistan Customs Computerized System
PDP Pakistan Democratic Party
PDHS Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey
PDF Pakistan Development Forum
PDCF Pakistan Down Caste Front
PERN Pakistan Education and Research Network
PEPCO Pakistan Electric Power Company
PEMRA Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority
PECO Pakistan Engineering Company Ltd.
PEC Pakistan Engineering Council
PEPF Pakistan Environmental Protection Foundation
PFFF Pakistan Fisher Folk Forum
PFIC Pakistan Flood Information Centre
PFF Pakistan Football Federation
PFFB Pakistan Foundation Fighting Blindness
PGFA Pakistan Game Fish Association
PGL Pakistan Gaming League
PGMEA Pakistan Gloves Manufacturers and Exporters Association
PHF Pakistan Heart Foundation
PHF Pakistan Hockey Federation
PHDEB Pakistan Horticulture Development Export Board
PHA Pakistan Housing Authority
PHL Pakistan Hypertension League
PICIC Pakistan Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation Limited
PIDC Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation
PIDE Pakistan Institute for Development Economics
PIEAS Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences
PILDAT Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency
PIMS Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences
PIND Pakistan Institute of National Development
PIC Pakistan Insurance Corporation
PUMPKIN Pakistan International Airlines
PK Pakistan International Airlines
PIA Pakistan International Airlines
PIAC Pakistan International Airlines Corporation
PISF Pakistan Islamia School Fujairah
PJB Pakistan Journal of Botany
PJMR Pakistan Journal of Medical Research
PJMS Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences
PKMA Pakistan Kiryana Merchants Association
PKIC Pakistan Kuwait Investment Company
PLTA Pakistan Lady Teachers Association
PLC Pakistan Law Commission
PLSP Pakistan Legislative Strengthening Project
PLA Pakistan Library Association
PLUC Pakistan Linux Users Community
PMTF Pakistan Machine Tool Factory Ltd
PMEB Pakistan Madrassah Education Board
PMA Pakistan Marine Academy
PMDC Pakistan Medical & Dental Council
PMA Pakistan Medical Association
PMRC Pakistan Medical Research Council
PMD Pakistan Meteorological Department
PMN Pakistan Microfinance Network
PMA Pakistan Military Academy
PMDC Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation
PML-F Pakistan Muslim League
PML Pakistan Muslim League
PMLN Pakistan Muslim League (aka Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz Group)
PMLQ Pakistan Muslim League -Qquaid-e-Azam
PNAC Pakistan National Accreditation Council
PNCA Pakistan National Council of the Arts
PANAH Pakistan National Heart Association
PNP Pakistan National Party
PNSC Pakistan National Shipping Corporation
PNTA Pakistan National Tuberculosis Association
PNS Pakistan Naval Ship
PN Pakistan Navy
PNEC Pakistan Navy Engineering College
PNN Pakistan News Network
PNCC Pakistan Norway Chamber of Commerce
PNRA Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority
PNDS Pakistan Nutrition and Dietetic Society
POK Pakistan Occupied Kashmir
POLARITY Pakistan Oilfield Ltd
POL Pakistan Oilfield Ltd
POA Pakistan Olympic Association
POLARITY Pakistan Online
POL Pakistan Online
POF Pakistan Ordnance Factory
POC Pakistan Origin Card
POLARITY Pakistan Oxygen Limited
POL Pakistan Oxygen Limited
PPC Pakistan Penal Code
PPPP Pakistan People’s Party Parliamentarians
PPP Pakistan Peoples Party
PPL Pakistan Petroleum Ltd
PPS Pakistan Physiology Society
PPC Pakistan Press Club
PRINT Pakistan Railways
PR Pakistan Railways
PRGMEA Pakistan Readymade Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association
PRL Pakistan Refinery Ltd
PRVC Pakistan Remount Veterinary Corps
PRAL Pakistan Revenue Automation Limited
POKERED Pakistan Rupee
PKR Pakistan Rupee
PRSP Pakistan Rural Support Programme
PSF Pakistan Science Foundation
PSA Pakistan Scrabble Association
PSPC Pakistan Security Printing Corporation Pvt Limited
PSRU Pakistan Security Research Unit
PSA Pakistan Society of Anaesthesiologists
PSDE Pakistan Society of Development Economists
PSFP Pakistan Society of Family Physicians
PSEB Pakistan Software Export Board
PSB Pakistan Sports Board
PST Pakistan Standard Time
PSQCA Pakistan Standards & Quality Control Authority
PSI Pakistan Standards Institution
PSO Pakistan State Oil
PS Pakistan Steel
PSCC Pakistan Steel Cadet College
PSM Pakistan Steel Mills
PTTF Pakistan Table Tennis Federation
PTB Pakistan Technology Board
PTI Pakistan Tehrik-E-Insaaf
PTA Pakistan Telecommunication Authority
PTAS Pakistan Telecommunication Authority Standards
PTCL Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited
PTC Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation
PTET Pakistan Telecommunication Employees Trust
PTCL Pakistan Telecommunications Company Ltd.
PTML Pakistan Telecommunications Mobile Limited
PTV Pakistan Television
PTJ Pakistan Textile Journal
PTCL Pakistan Tobacco Company Limited
PTDC Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation
PTO Pakistan Trade Office
PVMA Pakistan Vanaspati Manufacturers Association
PVMA Pakistan Vegetable Manufacturers Association
PVMA Pakistan Veterinary Manufacturing Association
PVMA Pakistan Veterinary Medical Association
PAVHNA Pakistan Voluntary Health and Nutrition Association
PWCC Pakistan Women Cricket Council
PWF Pakistan Workers’ Federation
PAA Pakistan-American Association
PGFA Pakistan-German Friendship Association
PABE Pakistani American Business Executives
PAPA Pakistani American Pharmaceutical Association
PRINTER Pakistani Rupee
PRS Pakistani Rupee
PSA Pakistani Students Association
PIFPD Pakistan-India Forum for Peace and Democracy
PUFF Pakistan-USA Freedom Forum
PJG Panjgur, Pakistan
PEW Peshawar, Pakistan – Peshawar
PCP Planning Commission of Pakistan
PIP Press Institute of Pakistan
PEIP Private Educational Institutions in Pakistan
UET Quetta, Pakistan
RECP Rice Export Corporation of Pakistan
REAP Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan
RDF Rural Development Foundation of Pakistan
SCSP Scientific and Cultural Society of Pakistan
SECP Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan
SSP Sippah-e- Sahaba Pakistan
SPMA Smethwick Pakistani Muslim Association
SAPER Software Aus Pakistan
SAP Software Aus Pakistan
SNC Soomra National Council Pakistan
SBP State Bank of Pakistan
SLICP State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan
SIMAP Surgical Instruments Manufacturers Association of Pakistan
TJP Tehrik-e-Jafria Pakistan
TIP Telephone Industries of Pakistan Ltd.
TIP Textile Institute of Pakistan
TPS The Pakistani Spectator
TPPL Total Parco Pakistan Limited
TDAP Trade Development Authority of Pakistan
TIP Trade Index of Pakistan
TCP Trading Corporation of Pakistan Ltd
TAAP Travel Agents Association of Pakistan
TAPI Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Gas Pipeline Project
TAPI Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Pipeline
UBL United Bank Limited Pakistan
UNIPOM United Nations India-Pakistan Observation Mission
UNMOGIP United Nations Military Observer Group In India & Pakistan
WPPO WAPDA Power Privatisation Organisation (Pakistan)
WOP World of Pakistan
YPES Young Pakistani Expatriates Society


Pakistan is a long and narrow country with many different landscape types. To the north lies the Himalayan mountain range, with peaks more than 8,000 meters above sea level. In the middle of the country there are fertile plains and swamps, while the southwestern parts consist of arid, high-lying areas. Several rivers flow down from the Himalayas, forming a larger coastal delta area.

The climate varies with the landscape and elevation differences in the country; in the north it is cold and dry, and further south it is warmer and wetter. In the middle of the country are several desert areas where there can be close to 50 degrees of heat in the summer.

The rapid population growth has put great pressure on the country’s resources. Pakistan is struggling with contaminated drinking water, which is the cause of more than 80 percent of the diseases in the country, such as diarrhea, malaria and parasite diseases. Emissions from a growing industry and deforestation have led to soil erosion which in turn has resulted in frequent floods and floods, especially in the middle of the country.


Pakistan has been home to some of the world’s oldest civilizations. For centuries the area was part of changing Indian empires. At the beginning of the 18th century, the country was invaded several times before the area became part of British India in the 19th century.

  • See ebizdir for Pakistan history timeline.

In the 1920s and 30s, a political liberation movement emerged that fought for a land of India for the Muslims of India. When Britain withdrew from India in 1947, the country Pakistan was created. The country consisted of two separate territories called West and East Pakistan.

Independence led to huge migrations, as all Muslims were to live in Pakistan, and all Hindus in India. In the chaotic division, the distribution of several areas was very contentious. Shortly after independence, war broke out between Pakistan and India on one of these areas, namely Kashmir. The UN negotiated a peace treaty, but since then the war has flared up twice, in 1965 and 1999. The time after independence was marked by political instability and large population growth. Geographical, cultural and linguistic differences led East Pakistan, with the help of India, to disband in 1971 under the name of Bangladesh.

Society and politics

Pakistan has been a parliamentary democracy since 2010. In the past, the country has had several periods of military dictatorship and authoritarian presidents with great power. The constitutional amendment in 2010 gave power to the prime minister and parliament. The president, who used to have enormous power, now has a ceremonial role as head of state. The country is a federation of four provinces and federally controlled tribal areas. The constitutional amendment also gave the provinces a greater degree of autonomy.

The country is characterized by internal unrest. Many Islamist groups have grown strong. Among other things, the border area with Afghanistan is controlled by the Taliban and supporters of al Qaeda. The United States participates in the conflict with drones, which have also killed many civilians. The war on terror has rendered the rule of law in the country poor. Other human rights violations in the country include child labor and anti-discrimination laws.

Foreign policy has always been characterized by the conflict with India, especially the disputed area, Kashmir. The Pakistan-India conflict is one of the most dangerous in the world because both sides have nuclear weapons. Since Pakistan has constantly felt threatened by India, huge financial resources for the military have been at the expense of education, health care and infrastructure.

Economics and Commerce

Pakistani economy is strongly characterized by the country’s chaotic past. The country has not managed to build up an independent industry, and foreign players have not wanted to invest in the country. Until recently, most of the economy was based on simple farming, and only in the last decades have other industries emerged. The fastest growing parts of the Pakistani economy are in telecommunications, the weapons industry and the service sector. One of the biggest obstacles to economic development is the lack of electricity.

Pakistan has large foreign debt, partly because of the protracted and costly conflict with India. In the 1990s, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) granted a certain debt relief that led to economic growth. Participation in the “fight against terror” has led to the United States wiping out large parts of its debt. Pakistan has long had close trade cooperation with China, and in recent decades trade has increased in line with China’s economic development. Nevertheless, the country’s economy is characterized by high inflation, low growth and large budget deficits. After 2000, Pakistan has normally seen economic growth of 4-5 percent, but the majority still live in deep poverty.

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