What is Data Mining?

The concept of data mining, coming from the English language, is often referred to in our language as data mining. The notion is linked to the procedure that is performed to detect patterns in a large amount of data.

What is Data Mining

The purpose of data mining is to extract certain information from a mass of data to create a structure that can be understood and used. For this, it uses database systems, statistical techniques and other resources.

Data mining analyzes and processes data for a pattern or model. Once a certain structure is discovered, it seeks to make it visible so that it is possible to work with it.

In this way, through a semi-automatic or automatic analysis of the data, data mining manages to discover patterns that, until now, were not known. From then on, additional tasks or activities arise that, although not within the specific scope of data mining, are part of their universe.

It can be said that the data mining process starts with selecting the data mass. Then we proceed to the analysis of its properties to transform them and extract information that can be interpreted and evaluated.

More precisely we can explain that data mining consists of three clearly delimited stages or phases:
-The determination of the objectives. In other words, it is a question of establishing what purposes are pursued by this process. It is the one who commissions them and then lets them know, of course, the data mining professional.
-Preprocessing of data. It consists of the selection, cleanliness, enrichment, decrease and even change in what are the databases that are key in the process.
-The choice of model. This stage, in turn, we can establish that it is divided into several parts. Thus, first, statistical analysis of the data is carried out. And then, secondly, it develops what is the graphical visualization of those.
-The analysis of the results obtained, with which you will be able to know where it has been reached and also to whether the purposes intended by the person who commissioned the data mining process have been achieved.

Data mining can be used, for example, to detect potential terrorists. By analyzing millions of phone calls, emails and communications of different kinds, it is possible to discover a pattern that allows to identify people who plan to commit an attack.

Big Data

company can also use data mining to search for certain variables among the data it holds of its customers and thus offer a certain product only to those who meet certain requirements.

In this sense, supermarkets and hypermarkets can find a great ally in data mining. And it is that, for example, if thanks to this they know the habits of their customers regarding the weekend they can be clear which products are most consumed during that period and thus make them more attractive or even put them more at your fingertips. In this way, they will be able to satisfy customers and improve their sales.