
Meaning of ACTA


What is ACTA? ACTA is the acronym of Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreements, which stands for Commercial Anti-Counterfeiting Agreement, which is to prevent plagiarism and piracy on the Internet. ACTA is stricter than previous agreements, such as PIPA and SOPA, in addition to hampering the winding…
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Meaning of DIY


What is DIY? DIY is the acronym for Do It Yourself. DIY can be considered a “philosophy of life”, where its participants choose to refrain from buying furniture, decorative objects and gifts, for example, preferring, instead, to make them.

Meaning of WYD


What is WYD? WYD means World Youth Day and consists of a meeting of Catholic people, particularly young people, from all over the world. During a week there are different events organized by the Catholic Church in a city chosen to celebrate the journey.

Meaning of LGBT


What is LGBT? LGBT (or LGBTTT) is the acronym of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transvestite, Transsexual and Transgender, which consist of different types of sexual orientation. The acronym LGBT is also used as the name of a movement that fights for the rights…
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Meaning of HTTPS


What is HTTPS? HTTPS is the acronym in English of Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. Currently, this is the most secure version of the data transfer protocol between computer networks on the Internet, as it encrypts the data provided, requires the authentication…
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Meaning of OMG


What is OMG? OMG is an abbreviation of the English expression Oh My God. This is a slang that emerged in the United States and became popular mainly on the Internet and treated as a language for SMS (Short Message Service).

Meaning of SEM


What is SEM? SEM is the acronym for Search Engine Marketing, which means marketing on search engines. SEM is a form of Internet marketing that aims to promote websites by increasing their visibility on the pages of results (SERPs) through the use of…
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Meaning of SEO

What is SEO? SEO is the acronym for “Search Engine Optimization”. SEO is the set of strategies aiming to boost and improve the positioning of a website in the natural (organic) results pages on the search engines.

Meaning of LED


What is LED? LED is the acronym for  Light Emitting Diode. It consists of a technology of conducting light, from electricity. The LED has the function of emitting light in places and instruments such as lamps, lanterns and etc.

Meaning of GPS


What is GPS? GPS is the acronym for Global Positioning System, and consists of satellite tracking technology. GPS is a satellite navigation system from a mobile device, which sends information about the position of something at any time and in any weather…
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